Tag Archives: Sjøorre

Birds seen from the house today 11th March 2017

Oystercatchers (tjeld) are one of the first spring migrants to arrive here and early March is the normal time. I was woken up by the characteristic piping call of these birds this morning!
An eagle also suddenly appeared right outside the window where I sit, no more than 30m away…but it was all over in a flash and it was gone……

Here’s a distant shot of the newly arrived Oystercatcher lovers ready for the excitement ahead!


Velvet scoter (sjøorre) numbers are building up as the herring are beginning to spawn in the fjord (the spawn is an important food source in spring) and one of the biggest flocks in the country with up to a thousand birds gather for the annual feast gather in the part of the fjord I see from my house, before departing for the breeding grounds. A small flock of 8 birds were feeding below the house today.
Treecreeper (trekryper) in the garden
A fieldfare (gråtrost) getting more and more brave as I move the apples gradually closer to the house!