On Sunday 5th July 2015, my talk at Lindesnes Havhotell for Vest-Agder Sopp og Nyttevekstforening (Vest-Agder Useful Plants Society) at the very south of Norway was well attended by a knowledgeable group of new and old friends! It was followed by a forage along the beach lead by local plantsman Olav Vandeskog where we saw some magnificent sea kale (strandkål) plants!
My talk on Sunday at Lindesnes Havhotell for Vest-Agder Sopp og Nyttevekstforening was well attended by a knowledgeable group of new and old friends!
Great veggie lunch with watercress!!
Approaching the Sea Kale / Strandkål beach
Beautiful edimental Sea Kale…maybe 2,000 flowers on that one mound!
Beautiful edimental Sea Kale…maybe 2,000 flowers on that one mound!
Demonstrating young succulent sea kale leaves
Beautiful edimental Sea Kale.
Beautiful edimental Sea Kale…maybe 2,000 flowers on that one mound!
Honckenya ( Sea sandwort/strandarve)
Two of the best beach vegetables, Honckenya ( Sea sandwort/strandarve) and Crambe (sea kale / Strandkål)
Coastal meadow
My friend Olav Vandeskog lead the beach forage
Olav Vandeskog knows the edible plants of Lindesnes like the back of his hand
Olav Vandeskog knows the edible plants of Lindesnes like the back of his hand
Atriplex / Beach orach / melde and Crambe maritima
Crambe maritima in coastal meadow, a much bluer colour
Valeriana sambucifolia (vanlig vendelrot) in the meadow behind the beach
Valeriana sambucifolia (vanlig vendelrot) in the meadow behind the beach
The young sea kale seedpods were excellent to eat
Jasione montana is in the Campanulaceae and presumably has edible flowers