Allium moly (golden garlic) is a beautiful perennial onion, normally grown as an ornamental, but that deserves to be elevated to edimental level as particularly the bulbs are delicious and the flowers are a fantastic edible addition to summer salads and other dishes. The leaves can also be used. Although usually grown in sunny places, it also tolerates quite shady locations. In a Spanish ethnobotanical study it is recorded being wild harvested in Albacete (bulbs). It grows rather slowly in my garden, but is reported to be invasive where it fluorishes (if only it would :-) )!
See also at
Allium moly in the garden of a bed and breakfast I stayed in in Stonehaven, Aberdeen some years agoAllium moly in the garden of a bed and breakfast I stayed in in Stonehaven, Aberdeen some years agoThis is what herbalist John Parkinson had to say about the medicinal virtues of this plant in 1640 :) Let me know if it works!Young leaves and flower shoots in the Oxford Botanical GardenThe white bulbs, seen here in the middle at the top, are not large…so you wouldn’t grow this just for the bulbs :)In the Oslo Botanical GardenAlium moly can be seen growing well in a woodland setting in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden, SwedenAlium moly can be seen growing well in a woodland setting in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden, Sweden