Two workshops in Iceland on my way back from the US…!!
5th September – 1pm to 5pm Sal Garðyrkjufélags Íslands, Síðumúla 1, Reykjvaík “Ætar plöntur með Stephen Barstow – Námskeið Sumarhússins og garðsins (Edible plants with Stephen Barstow)” See
Shidoke, see I got this one under the synonym name Cacalia delphiniifolia!Patrinia triloba v. takeuchianaPatrinia triloba v. takeuchiana
Parasenecio maximowiczianus Arve Elvebakk presented me with this plant as a thank you after my gudied tour of the Tromsø Botanics earlier in the summer smile emoticon He managed the botanical name without faltering!
I love these weird and wonderful hard to get woodlanders from Japan and elsewhere in the Far East, many of which are edible. Here are three that are currently flowering! I have yet to try them though…
Picture taken by journalist Heidi Løkken in my garden this week showing my straggling tree climbing Hablitzia together with a French dandelion cultivar “Vert de Montmagny Ameliore”. Before I really discovered perennials, this was a part of my vegetable garden I struggled with as it was so dry under the birch tree during summer. Using perennials, the same area is one of the most productive parts of the garden as it’s damp enough when the perennials are growing strongest to the end of June!
I’m talking on both days at the Walled Kitchen Garden Network Forum weekend at the National Trust Property Croome Court in Worcestershire, England on 3rd-4th October. See the link for details (it’s open to all!)