Rare perennial veg seed on offer in Chandlers Ford

Below is a list of seeds of (mostly) perennial vegetables that will be offered at my talk at the Hilt in my home town of Chandlers Ford on Sunday 19th November 2023 (see more at https://www.tickettailor.com/events/hiltingburycommunityassociation/1043494). Income will go to Wild Hive who are organising the event!
Angelica archangelica ssp archangelica v. Majorum “Vossakvann Markusteigen”; garden Angelica: an old cultivated variety of mountain Angelica rescued from old farms in the Voss area of western Norway (self-seeds and dies after flowering); popular with many pollinators (see Around the World in 80 plants)
Allium victorialis “Eks-Røst”; victory onion: seed collected from plants in the Onion Garden Chicago in Trondheim, originally collected from a naturalized population on the island of Røst in the picturesque Lofoten Islands (could have crossed with other Allium victorialis plants in the garden. Popular with many pollinators (see Around the World in 80 plants)

Naturalised Allium victorialis – Granvin, Norway 

Phyteuma spicata; spiked rampion: edible roots, leaves and flower buds and very popular with pollinators. My article on these great plants can be downloaded here: https://www.edimentals.com/blog/?p=21018
Lilium martagon; Martagon lily: edible yellow bulbs and flowers. Great source of carbohydrates for the ground layer of a forest garden.  See https://www.edimentals.com/blog/?p=8614
Allium hookeri var muliense; Yellow Hooker’s onion: Allium hookeri is grown on a food scale in China for the market. This is an edimental yellow flowered variety.

Allium hookeri var muliense
Hablitzia tamnoides; Caucasian spinach: this could well be my favourite perennial vegetable, long-lived, hardy, productive, shade loving and nutritious. Introduced by me through an article “Caucasian Spinach” in Permaculture Magazine in 2007! See Around the World in 80 plants and https://www.edimentals.com/blog/?page_id=1984.
Hablitzia tamnoides
Allium stipitatum; Persian shallot is cultivated in a big way particularly in Iran and sold dried in Iranian supermarkets around the world. It is also one of the commonest ornamental onions sold each autumn (but, Alliums are often wrongly identified): a beautifully useful edimental! See https://www.edimentals.com/blog/?page_id=893 and other blog posts.
Allium stipitatum, Persian shallots 
Allium validum; Pacific onion. A traditional edimental from Western North America, important native American food plant (see Around the World in 80 plants)
Taraxacum tortilobum; the legendary moss-leaved dandelion: described in The Vegetable Garden (1920); see more about this great dandelion in Around the World in 80 plants.

Moss-leaved dandelion
Allium nutans Eks-Lena; a great Siberian onion with wide leaves, originally collected from a Siberian vegetable garden. Could have crossed with other Alliums in the Onion Garden Chicago in Trondheim. See more in Around the World in 80 plants.
Cryptotaenia japonica “Atropurpurea”; purple mitsuba is a popular Japanese herb/vegetable and interesting shade loving ground cover for a forest garden. See more in Around the World in 80 plants.
Allium fistulosum; Japanese welsh onion cultivar that has proved hardy. Originally purchased as a Japanese salad onion.
Agastache anisata “Aurea”; yellow anise hyssop
Brassica oleracea “Daubenton perennial kale x Late Purple Flowering Broccoli”; perennial kale hybrid (needs selecting for a dreamed of perennial purple flowering broccoli)
Dystaenia takesimana; giant Ulleung celery: A great new perennial vegetable, please read my article on this plant at https://www.edimentals.com/blog/?p=24998
Allium wallichii; Nepal or Sherpa onion: a spectacular edimental onion from the Himalaya – the dried leaves are an important vegetable (dried for market at high elevations)

Allium wallichii
Oenothera biennis; evening primrose: A great biannual edimental which self-sows – all parts are edible. Try the seeds as a topping on bread and baked dishes.
Malva moschata; musk mallow: the leaves are great in salads, stir-fries and soups and are provided in smaller amounts throughout the season. Flowers are used to decorate salads!
Allium macranthum; chiugok or small bird’s garlic is another great edimental from the Himalaya. See my article on this plant’s ethnobotany at https://www.edimentals.com/blog/?p=29255
Rumex acetosa, garden sorrel: seed from a mix of 6 cultivated sorrel varieties from Russia.
Rumex patientia, patience dock is a larger less sour plant than sorrel that should be in any perennial garden!
Allium tuberosum; Chinese chives: see more in Around the World in 80 plants.
Cirsium setidens is an important perennial thistle from Korea that pollinators love!
Tigridia pavonia; cacomitl: see my article Edimental cacomitls at https://www.edimentals.com/blog/?p=5470
Hydrophyllum spp., Indian salad: North American forest garden ground cover; see Around the World in 80 plants.
Claytonia virginica; spring beauty; a beautiful spring flowering ground cover for the forest garden that can produce large tubers.
Allium hymenorrhizum is one of my favourite spring harvested onions which is tall and slender.
Allium splendens
Cirsium tuberosum, tuberous thistle (edible tubers and a wonderful pollinator friendly and thornless thistle)


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