The end of March this year was mild with little frost. I was surprised to find the first flowering sallow / selje (Salix caprea) on 19th March and by the end of the month some larger trees were in full flower providing much needed food for a myriad of insects include wild bees, bumble bees and most of the 13 moth species shown below, all of which were photographed in my garden at the end of March, attracted by a moth trap. In turn, birds are attracted to the insect feast and some also feed on the nectar directly.
9 days after the picture of the first flowers was taken above and the whole tree was in flower
At the Ringve Botanical Garden in Trondheim there were several fowering sallows on the 29th March
Ringve: I noticed both blue tits (blåmeis) and great tit (kjøttmeis) in the tree and the blue tits seemed to be feeding on the catkins (nectar; a known food for these birds)
Ringve: I was surprised also to see a goldcrest (fuglekonge) flycatching in the tree!
Another nice tree in flower on the shore line at Ranheim!
12. Stigmella sp.
11. Large spring jewel (Eriocrania semipurpurella)?