In connection with Cathrine Kramer’s (Centre for Genomic Gastronomy) third visit to Malvik from her base in Amsterdam to make an around the year artistic film of The Edible Garden, I made a winter salad to show what is currently available to harvest in the living room, cellar and outside.
Living rooms: forced Witloof chicories / sikori (my own Væres Venner community garden grex), Allium senescens hybrid perennial onion, forced wild dandelions / løvetann, cress / karse and wild buckwheat / villbokhvete sprouts (in sterlised soil), garlic bulbil sprouts, Begonia flowers, oca (2 varieties), parsley / persille, watercress / engelsk karse, Allium triquetrum shoots, garlic / hvitløk, Plectranthus amboinicus (Cuban oregano) and the last of the tomatoes / tomat!
From the cellar: carrots / gulrot, swede / kålrot, 3 varieties turnip / nepe, Jerusalem artichoke / jordskokk, apple /eple, sea kale / strandkål (roots dug in the autumn that had sprouted in the warmer than normal cellar), 2-3 varieties celery, beetroot / rødbete “Chioggia”, wild chicory / vill sikori (Cichorium intybus), 4 salad chicories and perennial kale shoots.
Outside: Caucasian spinach / stjernemelde (Hablitzia tamnoides), several dandelion species (leaves and flower buds) and Chicago onion / prærieløk (Allium cernuum).
how beautiful, and brilliant information thanks