Mid-January Salad

In connection with Cathrine Kramer’s (Centre for Genomic Gastronomy) third visit to Malvik from her base in Amsterdam to make an around the year artistic film of The Edible Garden, I made a winter salad to show what is currently available to harvest in the living room, cellar and outside.  
Living rooms: forced Witloof chicories / sikori (my own Væres Venner community garden grex), Allium senescens hybrid perennial onion, forced wild dandelions / løvetann, cress / karse and wild buckwheat / villbokhvete sprouts (in sterlised soil), garlic bulbil sprouts, Begonia flowers, oca (2 varieties), parsley / persille, watercress / engelsk karse, Allium triquetrum shoots, garlic / hvitløk, Plectranthus amboinicus (Cuban oregano) and the last of the tomatoes / tomat!
From the cellar: carrots / gulrot, swede / kålrot, 3 varieties turnip / nepe, Jerusalem artichoke / jordskokk, apple /eple, sea kale / strandkål (roots dug in the autumn that had sprouted in the warmer than normal cellar), 2-3 varieties celery, beetroot / rødbete “Chioggia”, wild chicory / vill sikori (Cichorium intybus), 4 salad chicories and perennial kale shoots.
Outside: Caucasian spinach / stjernemelde (Hablitzia tamnoides), several dandelion species (leaves and flower buds) and Chicago onion / prærieløk (Allium cernuum).

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