Talks Auerhütte am Seewaldsee June 16, 2017 Stephen Barstow 2 Comments This is the site of the talk I gave today with translation at Auerhütte, owned by Tom Strubreiter’s family! Auerhütte am Seewaldsee at 1078m Seewardsee…..23C in the water, there’s nothing like swimming with yellow water lily maidens in an alpine lake! :) Me and Tom Strubreiter…I need some of those shorts, don’t you think? He also showed us his new leather trousers made of his own goats! Me and Tom Strubreiter…I need some of those shorts, don’t you think? He also showed us his new leather trousers made of his own goats! The lecture room doubled as restaurant! Some 40-50 wild edibles collected locally Spiked rampion, Phyteuma spicatum, is a local botanical speciality, also an old root vegetable, rapunsel! Optimized print or PDF
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