When Covid limited my travelling, I decided to spend my time investigating what other creatures I was sharing my “habitat” (edible forest garden) with. I knew quite a lot about the obvious things like butterflies and birds but little about, for example, insects. I set about in particular recording moths using a light trap and other techniques. That I recently registered my 300th species on my 2,200 sq.m. plot would never have occurred to me was possible when I started on this inward journey! My mind is blown away by the fact that growing food in a diverse forest garden like mine can contribute to such a large biodiversity and this only one relatively small but important part of the insect world present here. I’ve also registered many wild bees, bumble bees, hoverflies and others. Learning which larval food plants the moths are using has also taught me much, as has the important role of moths in pollination. After winter hibernation as adults or pupae, the incredible importance of Salix caprea (goat willow / sallow) in providing food in early spring has become even more important in my mind. The newly arrived insectivorous migratory birds attracted to the willow when they arrive here mid-April suddenly makes more sense as the migration of some species is naturally timed perfectly for the mass-emergence of willow-attracted insects!
THIS THEN IS THE 300th MOTH SPECIES REGISTERED IN THE EDIBLE GARDEN AND ITS ANOTHER BEAUTY! This is the treble-bar moth / stor perikummåler (Aplocera plagiata). Its larvae are dependent on perforate st John’s-wort / prikkperikum (Hypericum perforatum) a species I’ve grown in the garden for years. It was also my 200th new species for Malvik municipality and 8 of the 300 were also new species for my county Trøndelag! So, 2/3 of the species I’ve recorded on my rocky edible hillside have actually never been recorded in my municipality, Malvik, before! Actually, only a little over 400 moths have been recorded in Malvik over the years! See pictures of all 300 species on my blog post (link below). This is added to as new species are recorded! Many are equally as beautiful as the butterflies most off us love: https://www.edimentals.com/blog/?p=27297
A mild day here in Malvik and I’ve just heard my earliest singing woodpigeon ever, 19 days earlier than the previous record from 2021. 30 years ago this was an unusual overwintering bird here but nowadays quite common. I even heard one singing at the botanical garden (Ringve) in Trondheim at the end of January…. The picture is from another occasion. There’s only one patch of old snow at the moment.
I’ve shared my list of plants that I’ve planted in Trondheim’s World Garden to a few people who’ve asked and now it’s available to anyone who is curious (follow the link). The World Garden (Verdenshagen) is a garden I’ve created, starting in 2017, to show off the diversity of perennial vegetables, essentially my book Around the World in 80 Plants as a formal garden. Many are edimentals, edientomentals and ediavimentals (i.e, edimentals that are also useful to insects and birds respectively) and demonstrates how growing food can both look good and promote a large biodiversity. The plants are placed geographically around a 12m diameter circle with the centre representing the North Pole, where edibles from arctic and mountain regions of the world are planted. A few are annuals or biennials, planted in the gaps as the perennials grow and expand. For those of you who like lists, a list of the 359 plants I’ve planted so far is included below the new drone pictures taken in 2024! (thanks to board member Dan Smith). NB! A few of the plants have died, so this isn’t a list of current plants in the garden! I’ve noted this in the list. In addition, a few are planted each spring and overwintered indoors, such as some of the South American tuber crops.
Success!! The local flock of overwintering goldfinches (stillits) have found the food I’ve grown on the veranda! I grow burdock (borre) as a root vegetable in a large bucket on the veranda, which attracts a wide range of other organisms, both pollinating insects and other insects that are dependent on Arctium species, insectivorous birds feeding on aforementioned insects in summer and, the highlight, the beautiful goldfinch whose main food is the seed of burdocks in winter here. They could have taken sunflower seeds instead, but they still prefer wild “organic” food to the industrialised supermarket alternative! Goldfinches have even started breeding in small numbers in this area.
Bullfinches (dompap) feed on a wide range of natural foods in winter from the seeds of berries like rowan to maple and nettle seeds and shoots and buds of many different trees and bushes. However, this was the first time I’ve recorded them on guelder rose (korsved) berries, Viburnum opulus. They eat the seeds, discarding the flesh. I’ve only seen waxwings (sidensvans) on these berries before.
In connection with Cathrine Kramer’s (Centre for Genomic Gastronomy) third visit to Malvik from her base in Amsterdam to make an around the year artistic film of The Edible Garden, I made a winter salad to show what is currently available to harvest in the living room, cellar and outside. Living rooms:forced Witloof chicories / sikori (my own Væres Venner community garden grex), Allium senescens hybrid perennial onion, forced wild dandelions / løvetann, cress / karse and wild buckwheat / villbokhvete sprouts (in sterlised soil), garlic bulbil sprouts, Begonia flowers, oca (2 varieties), parsley / persille, watercress / engelsk karse, Allium triquetrum shoots, garlic / hvitløk, Plectranthus amboinicus (Cuban oregano) and the last of the tomatoes / tomat! From the cellar: carrots / gulrot, swede / kålrot, 3 varieties turnip / nepe, Jerusalem artichoke / jordskokk, apple /eple, sea kale / strandkål (roots dug in the autumn that had sprouted in the warmer than normal cellar), 2-3 varieties celery, beetroot / rødbete “Chioggia”, wild chicory / vill sikori (Cichorium intybus), 4 salad chicories and perennial kale shoots. Outside: Caucasian spinach / stjernemelde (Hablitzia tamnoides), several dandelion species (leaves and flower buds) and Chicago onion / prærieløk (Allium cernuum).
Sea kale / strandkål (Crambe maritiima)
Chicory / sikori “Witloof Væres Venner -line”
Chicago onion / prærieløk (Allium cernuum ) from the garden
In the wild part of the garden, one of my goat willow (selje) trees, important for the garden’s biodiversity, is halfway down after yesterday’s storm 🙁 This is what is called a “rotvelt” (root throw?) in Norwegian where the tree doesn’t break but the whole root system peels off the rock below. Almost all the 1/2 metre of snow we had a few days ago has gone and there’s no frost in the soil.
Not sure what to call the first sunrise of the year, but as long as there are no clouds it happens on 11th January every year here. I’m usually first alerted to this event by this shadowy character on the wall (video) who hasn’t appeared for 5-6 weeks! What the hell’s that I think…
Added a few on 8th February 2024 (search for NEW) Welcome to my new seed trade list for 2024-25 22, 23, 24 indicate the harvesting year for the seed. Concerning seed quantity: as I don’t have many plants of each species, seed quantity is limited in most cases. Therefore, for some species you may only get a few seeds. Many species are harvested in my garden. Others are surplus from trade and purchase. OUT: Means out of stock. NB! Cultivars do not often come true and shouldn’t be spread as such (EX signifies that the seed were collected from that cultivar, but you won’t necessarilly get that). I offer them anyway, but no guarantees to what you will get! For trades, I am mainly interested in uncommon hardy perennials, but I may also be interested in annuals. Please check your country’s import restrictions if you are outside of Norway. NB! Not all plants on this list are edible, although almost all are! NOTE: I don’t sell seed and I won’t be doing many trades this winter due to a busy schedule. However, I offer all plus many more to members of Norwegian Seed Savers (KVANN) through our web site’s seed sharing. To become a member go to http.//kvann.no and click on “Bli med”. It costs kr.300 / year plus postage and packing. Here are the about 430 varieties on this year’s list: Botanical name English name Cultivar Info Year NEW 140224 Adenophora stricta subsp confusa 24 Aegopodium podograria Pink ground elder Rosea 24 Agastache Anise hyssop Ranveig Edholm High plant, uncertian species 23 22 Agastache foeniculum Anise hyssop 23 Agastache foeniculum Golden Anise Hyssop Aureum 23 Alcea rosea Hollyhock Dark 23 Alcea taurica 23 Allium altaicum From USDA ; From China, NeiMongol Ziziqu 24 Allium altaicum 4 accessions From IPK Gatersleben 24 Alllum altissimum Persian shallot Goliath 24 Allium altyncolicum 2 accessions From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium amphibolum 24 22 Allium amplectens From USDA, Oregon 24 Allium angulosum 23 Allium atropurpureum From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium atrosanguineum From USDA, Former Soviet Union 24 Allium atroviolaceum From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium bidentatum 23 Allium brevistylum 24 Allium burjaticum 23 Allium caeruleum Bulbils 24 Allium carinatum Keeled Garlic Pulchellum 24 22 Allium carinatum Keeled Garlic Pulchellum Album 24 Allium carolinianum 24 23 Allium cepa ascalonicum Shallot Finland The first of the old shallot landrace varieties to be virus-cleaned, propagated first by Anders Nordrum and last year by Væres Venne 24 Allium cernuum Nodding onion Ontario From USDA, Ontario 24 Allium crenulatum 22 Allium cyathophorum 24 Allium decipiens 23 Allium denudatum From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium douglasii Douglas’ onion 24 23 Allium eduardii From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium erubescens From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium fetisowii From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium fistulosum Welsh onion Takløk fra Gudbrandsdalen Seed from Verdenshagen 24 22 Allium flavellum From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium flavum Small Yellow Onion Mix Mix or individually; could have crossed 22 Allium galanthum 24 23 Allium glaciale From USDA, Former Soviet Union 23 Allium gunibicum From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium henryi Henry’s onion 24 23 22 Allium hookeri var muliense Yellow hooker’s onion 23 22 Allium incensiodorum From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium jesdianum Ex-Purple King Could have crossed 21 Allium karataviense 24 Allium karelinii 24 Allium kirilovii From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium komarowii From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium lenkoranicum 24 23 Allium leucanthum From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium lipskyanum From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium macranthum 23 22 Allium macranthum Album 23 22 Allium macrostemon var uratense From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium microdictyon Previously Allium victorialis 24 23 Allium moly Golden Garlic; Lili Leek 24 23 22 Allium mongolicum From USDA Mongolia and IPK Gatersleben 24 Allium narcissiflorum Could have crossed 24 23 Allium neriniflorum From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium nevii 24 Allium nutans Siberian broader leaf onion Ex-Lars Sundet Could have crossed 24 23 22 Allium nutans Siberian broader leaf onion Ex-Lena Could have crossed 24 23 22 Allium nutans Siberian broader leaf onion PI576916 From USDA; Russian Federation 23 Allium nutans Siberian broader leaf onion PI576917 From USDA; Russian Federation 23 Allium nutans Siberian broader leaf onion Ex-Sierui Could have crossed 24 Allium nutans Miks Siberian broader leaf onion Mix 24 Allium ochotense Ex-Nagano Previously Allium victorialis; Ex Nagano, Japan; Could have crossed 24 23 Allium ochotense Ex-Reykjavik/Sakhalin Previously Allium victorialis; Ex Reykjavik/Sakhalin 23 Allium ochotense Ex-Yuzawa Engei, Japan Previously Allium victorialis; Ex Yuzawa Engei, Japan 24 23 Allium oliganthum From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium oreophilum From USDA Washington 23 Allium oreophilum From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium oschaninii From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium ovalifolium var. leuconervum Could have crossed 24 23 22 Allium pagnasicum From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium platyspathum From USDA New York 23 Allium przewalskianum From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium pyrenaicum From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium ramosum 24 Allium ramosum From USDA; Former Soviet Union 23 Allium ramosum Russland From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium ramosum Mongolia From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium rotundum Sand leek 24 23 Allium rubens From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium sativum Garlic AlExandra 24 Allium sativum Garlic Arkus 24 Allium sativum Garlic Cledor 24 Allium sativum Garlic Dukat 24 Allium sativum Garlic Estisk rød 24 Allium sativum Garlic German Hardneck 24 Allium sativum Garlic Ljubasha 24 Allium sativum Garlic Lochiel 24 Allium sativum Garlic Ornac 24 Allium sativum Garlic Valdres 24 Allium scabrellum From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium schoenoprasoides 23 22 Allium schoenoprasum Chives Mongolia From USDA Mongolia 23 Allium schoenoprasum subsp lateriorifolium Chinese chives Kina From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium schoenoprasum subsp sibiricum Siberian chives Hokkaido From Hokkaido; Could have crossed 24 Allium scorodoprasum Sand leek Bulbils of different varieties 24 Allium senescens Siberian broadleaf onion Received as Allium jesdianum 23 Allium sp. Unknown species 24 Allium splendens 24 Allium stipitatum Persian shallot Kirgistan From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium stipitatum Persian shallot 23 22 Allium strictum From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium tricoccum Ramps 24 23 Allium tuberosum Chinese chives Mix Ringve 24 23 22 Allium tuberosum Chinese chives Ex-Nepal 22 Allium tuberosum Chinese chives Kina From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium ulleungense? Ulleung Victory Onion Previously Allium victorialis 24 Allium tuvinicum From IPK Gatersleben 23 Allium validum Pacific onion 24 23 22 Allium vavilovii From USDA; Former Soviet Union 23 Allium victorialis Victory onion Ex-Alps Could have crossed 24 23 Allium victorialis Victory onion Ex-Bøstad, Lofoten Could have crossed 23 Allium victorialis Victory onion Ex-Cantabria Could have crossed 24 23 Allium victorialis Victory onion Ex-Hopen, Nordland.Norway Could have crossed 23 Allium victorialis Victory onion Ex-Landegode, Nordland.Norway Could have crossed 23 Allium victorialis Victory onion Ex-Massif Central, Alps Could have crossed 24 23 Allium victorialis Victory onion Ex-Ringve Could have crossed 23 Allium victorialis Victory onion Ex-Vestvågøy, Nordland.Norway Could have crossed 24 23 Allium victorialis Victory onion Mix Ringve 23 22 Allium wallichii Sherpa onion Mix Ringve 23 22 Allium zebdanense 24 Althaea oficinalis Marshmallow 24 Amaranthus Garnet Red Seed from Danish Seed Savers 24 Anethum graveolens Dill 24 Angelica acutiloba 24 Angelica sylvestris Wood Angelica Rødbladet 24 Anredera cordifolia Madeira Vine Tuber; related to Basella 23 Anthriscus cerefolium Chervil 24 Apium graveolens Celery Aberdeen Selection 20 Apium graveolens Celery Blush 22 Apium graveolens Celery Celebrity 22 Apium graveolens Celery Full White 22 Apium graveolens Celery Giant Red 19 Apium graveolens Celery Golden Self-blanching 22 Apium graveolens Celery Kintsai 22 Apium graveolens Celery Loretta Apium graveolens Celery Parcel 23 Apium graveolens Celery North Yorks 23 Apium graveolens Celery Pink 20 Apium graveolens var rapaceum Celeriac Mars 24 Apium graveolens var rapaceum Celeriac Prager Riesen IPK Gatersleben API 101 24 Apium graveolens var rapaceum Celeriac Alabaster IPK Gatersleben API 236 24 Apium graveolens var rapaceum Celeriac Invictus IPK Gatersleben API 271 24 Apium graveolens var rapaceum Celeriac Wiener Markt IPK Gatersleben API 17 24 Apium graveolens var rapaceum Celeriac Marble Ball IPK Gatersleben API 70 24 Apium graveolens var rapaceum Celeriac Saxa, line Vatter IPK Gatersleben API 69 24 Apium graveolens var rapaceum Celeriac Chiltern 24 Aquilegia caerulea Rocky mountain columbine 24, 23 Aquilegia canadensis Eastern columbine 24, 23 Aquilegia chrysantha Golden columbine 22 Aralia continentalis 24 Aralia cordata Udo Se Around the World in 80 plants (Can be bought from Stephen) 23 Aralia nudicaulis Sarsaparilla 24 Aralia racemosa American Spikenard 23 22 Arctium tomentosum Woolly Burdock 24 Asclepias exaltata Poke milkweed 24 Asparagus officinalis Asparagus Giant White Cap From IPK ASP27 22 NEW Asparagus officinalis Asparagus Ex-Malvik Seeds do not require cold treatment, but long germination time 24 Asparagus officinalis Asparagus Schiltern Seed from Arche Noah in Austria 23 Asparagus officinalis Asparagus Skinnerbukta Wild collection From Nordgen 23 Asphodelus albus Asphodel Not edible 22 Aster scaber Korea Aster This probably comes from wild plants in China; unlike my other accessions with Korean asters it produces a lot of seeds (haven’t eaten this one yet); See Around the World in 80 plants (Can be bought from Stephen) 24,23 Atriplex hortensis Garden orach Havemælden fra Harres Seed from Danish Seed Savers; see https://www.froesamlerne.dk/Varietysdatabasen/vis-Variety?varietyid=443 24 Atriplex hortensis Garden orach Lille Næstved Skole Seed from Danish Seed Savers, groen in thr Væres Venners Community Garden; see https://www.froesamlerne.dk/Varietysdatabasen/vis-Variety?varietyid=40 22 Atriplex hortensis Red garden orach Rubra Grown for 30 years in Malvik 24 23 22 Barbarea verna American land cress 18 Basella rubra Perennial but difficult to overwinter; I grow indoors 24 Beta vulgaris Beetroot Boltardy 19 Beta vulgaris Beetroot Dorat Seed from Seed Savers Exchange SWISS4; variabel 22 Beta vulgaris Beetroot Ljusrod Seed from Seed Savers Exchange BEET 184 22 Beta vulgaris Beetroot Forono Seed from Seed Savers Exchange BEET 77 22 Beta vulgaris Beetroot Cylindra 22 Beta vulgaris Beetroot Gesche 22 Beta vulgaris Beetroot Rote Kugel 2 22 Beta vulgaris Beetroot Detroit 2 22 Beta vulgaris Beetroot Bodils Rødbede From Danish Seed Savers; Grex 24 Brassica cretica 23 Brassica juncea Mustard greens Purple Frills 22 Brassica juncea Mustard greens Southern Giant Curled 22 Brassica juncea Mustard greens Giant Red Brassica nigra Black mustard 23 Brassica oleracea Perennial kale Daubenton x Late Purple Sprouting Broccoli Selection with small dark broccoli heads (not stable); See Around the World in 80 plants 19 Brassica oleracea Perennial kale Ex -Cottagers Kale Could have crossed with other perennial kales 20 19 Brassica oleracea Kale Ex-Asturian Tree kale Could have crossed with other perennial kales 20 Brassica oleracea Kale Ex–Curly Kale / Parkens Grøde 20 Brassica oleracea Kale Ex-Ragged Jack Kale Could have crossed with other perennial kales 19 Brassica oleracea Perennial kale Ex-Tree collards Could have crossed with other kales; See Around the World in 80 plants (Can be bought from Stephen) 19 Brassica rapa subsp rapa Turnip Målselvnepe Væres Venner-linje The starting point was 4 old Norwegian Målselvnepe lines; the largest roots were grown on for seed 22 Brassica rapa subsp rapa Turnip Norsk Elite Væres Venner linje Grown in Væres Venners Community Garden 22 Brassica rapa subsp rapa Turnip Ostersundom Amager From Nordgen NGB 13856 21 Brassica rapa subsp rapa Turnip Solanepe From Nordgen NGB 7799 21 Brassica rapa subsp rapa Turnip Målselvnepe Petrowski From Nordgen NGB 525 21 Brassica rapa subsp rapa Turnip Foll From Nordgen NGB 11563 21 Brassica rapa subsp rapa Turnip Målselvnepe Gibostad From Nordgen NGB 5020 21 Brassica rapa subsp rapa Turnip Brunstadnepe From Nordgen NGB 7798 21 Brassica rapa subsp rapa Turnip Stenhaug From Nordgen NGB 5017 21 Brassica rapa subsp rapa Turnip Kapai-67 From Nordgen NGB 13844 21 Brassica rapa subsp rapa Turnip Gry From Nordgen NGB 11559 21 NEW 120124 Broussonettia monoica 23 Calendula officinalis Pot Marigold 24 NEW 140224 Camassia leichtlinii “Pink Stars” 24 NEW 120124 Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd’s Purse 23 Carum carvi Caraway Malvik karverot Selected as a root vegetable (inspired by a similar attempt by Frederik Christian Schübeler in the 19th century); See Around the World in 80 plants (Can be bought from Stephen) 24 Chamerion angustifolium Rosebay willowherb Album 22 Chelidonium majus Greater celandine Ex-Flore Pleno Double 23 22 Chenopodium bonus-henricus Good king henry 24 Chenopodium foliosum Leafy Goosefoot/Strawberry Sticks 24 Chenopodium quinoa Quinoa Stephe Selected by Stephen Barstow i Malvik for 30 years from a variety called Dave 23 Chrysanthemum (Glebionis) coronarium Shungiku Mix Mix of Varietys or individually 22; Cicerbita alpina Alpine sow-thistle 24. 23 Cichorium endivia Endive Indivia scarola verde a Cuore Pieno 22 Cichorium endivia Endive Pancalieri a Costa Bianca 22 NEW 120124 Cichorium intybus Chicory Albus 23 Cichorium intybus Chicory Asparagus / Radichetta CICH 424 From IPK Gatersleben 22 21 Cichorium intybus Chicory Bionda a Grumolo Estivo 22 21 Cichorium intybus Chicory Catalogna di Galatina 22 Cichorium intybus Chicory Catalogna Gigante di Chioggia 19 Cichorium intybus Chicory Catalogna Puntarella a Punta Stretta 22 Cichorium intybus Chicory Cicoria a cima Brindisina 22 Cichorium intybus Chicory Da Taglio Bionda a Foglie Larghe From IPK Gatersleben 21 Cichorium intybus Chicory Diente de Leon CICH 791 From IPK Gatersleben 21 Cichorium intybus Chicory Grumolo Verde Scuro CICH 486 From IPK Gatersleben 21 Cichorium intybus Chicory Magdeburg CICH 792 From IPK Gatersleben 21 Cichorium intybus Chicory Mantovana o Cappotta a Foglia Larga (Precoce) CICH 479 From IPK Gatersleben 21 Cichorium intybus Chicory Radici di Soncino CICH 203 From IPK Gatersleben 22 Cichorium intybus Chicory Rossa di Verona CICH 118 From IPK Gatersleben 22 Cichorium intybus Root chicory Soncino Væres Venners selection 23 Cichorium intybus Chicory Spadona da Taglio CICH 121 From IPK Gatersleben 22 Cichorium intybus Chicory Spadona Verde da Taglio CICH 147 From IPK Gatersleben 22 Cichorium intybus Chicory Sugar Loaf CICH 350 From IPK Gatersleben 21 Cichorium intybus Chicory Tim Peters F2-F3 perennial grex Tim Peters is an amateur plant breeder in Washington State 21 Cichorium intybus Chicory Variegata di Castelfranco Magdana CICH 728 From IPK Gatersleben 22 Cichorium intybus Chicory Verde Grumolo CICH 198 From IPK Gatersleben 21 Cichorium intybus Chicory Witloof Væres Venners selection 24 22 Cichorium intybus Chicory Witloof CICH 793 From IPK Gatersleben 21 Cichorium intybus Chicory Witloof Prezorz From IPK Gatersleben 21 Cirsium aomorense Ex-Japan 23 Cirsium handelii Ex-Kina 23 Cirsium canum Queen Anne’s Thistle Edible roots like Cirsium tuberosum 23 NEW 140224 Cirsium microspicatum 24 Cirsium oleraceum Cabbage thistle 23 Cirsium pendulum 22 Cirsium setidens Gondre Gondre is a popular veg in Korea; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cirsium_setidens 24 23 22 Cirsium tuberosum Tuberous thistle Edible roots 24 23 Claytonia perfoliata Miner’s Lettuce 22 Clematis vitalba Old man’s beard Climber whose shoots are toxic raw but edible cooked 24 22 Codonopsis pilosula 22 Crambe maritima Sea kale Mix Mix of varieties; See Around the World in 80 plants (Can be bought from Stephen) 22 Crataegus douglasii Douglas’ hawthorn 24 Cryptotaenia canadensis Honewort 24 Cryptotaenia japonica Mitsuba Ex Dosaka Shirogiku 23 Cucumis sativus Cucumber Suyo Long (Hegnstrup line) Seed From Danish Seed Savers: 24 Cucurbita maxima Squash Green Skin Hokkaido rø ra IPK Gatersleben MAX503 22 Cucurbia pepo var oleifera Oil pumpkin Tschermak-Kürbis Seed From Arche Noah; se https://shop.arche-noah.at/produkt/Sommerkuerbis_Oelkuerbis_Tschermak-Kuerbis_KU070 23 Cucurbia pepo var oleifera Oil pumpkin Olga 24 23 Cynara cardunculus Cardoon Plein Blanc Inerme Ameliore 20 Cynara scolymus Artichoke Violet de Provence 23 NEW Dahlia Ex-Yellow Sneezy 24 Daucus carota Carrot Future Heirloom Grex Seed From Danish Seed Savers 24 NEW 120124 Digitalis purpurea Foxglove Not edible 23 Dioscorea polystachya Chinese Yam, Cinnamon Vine 24 Dioscorea polystachya Chinese Yam, Cinnamon Vine Pollinator Males 24 Diplotaxis tenuifolia Perennial rocket 24 Dystaenia takesimina Ulleung Giant Celery Mix of two accessions or individually; Exciting new perennial vegetables that can be harvested in winter; download an article here https://www.edimentals.com/blog/?p=24998; see also https://www.edimentals.com/blog/?tag=dystaenia-takesimana 24 Elaeagnus umbellata Autumn olive 24 Elsholtzia ciliata Vietnamese mint 23 Eupatorium aromaticum 23 Fagopyrum tataricum Wild buckwheat Slovakia From IPK Gatersleben FAG 98 (dyrket på Være) 24 Hablitzia tamnoides Miks Caucasian spinach Mix See Around the World in 80 plants (Can be bought from Stephen); https://tinyurl.com/36npnv5k 24 23 22 Hedysarum boreale 23 Helianthus annuus Sunflower Være Tidlig Selected for early maturing seed 24 Helianthus tuberosus Jerusalem artichoke Dwarf 24 Helianthus tuberosus Jerusalem artichoke Stampede Selected by Canadian natives and identical with Dayneutral and Bianca; read more here: https://www.edimentals.com/blog/?p=2669 24 Helianthus tuberosus Jerusalem artichoke Dave’s Shrine Invasiv Variety From Salt Spring Island, USA; lange røde knoller 24 Hosta nigra 234 Hydrophyllum tenuipes Pacific waterleaf Groundcover woodland garden plant; See Around the World in 80 plants (Can be bought from Stephen). Could have crossed with other Hydrophyllum 23 22 Hydrophyllum virginianum Virginia waterleaf 24 Lactuca perennis IPK Mix Mix of 8 varieties from IPK Gaterskeben 23 Lactuca sativa var angustana Celtuce Chinese Keule 23 Lactuca sativa var angustana Celtuce Asparagus Lettuce 22 Lathyrus nissolia From Danish Seed Savers; green manure 21 Lathyrus sativus Chickling Pea 22 Lavandula angustifolia Lavender 24 Lens culinaris Lentil Anicia Seed from IPK Gatersleben LENS 567 23 Lepidium sativum Cress Burpee’s Curlieress 24 23 22 Lepidium sativum Cress Kandahar Giant Cress 22 20 Ligularia fischeri Korea See https://www.edimentals.com/blog/?s=LIGULARIA+FISCHERI 24, 23 Ligularia fischeri Himalaya See https://www.edimentals.com/blog/?s=LIGULARIA+FISCHERI; Blomstrer mye senere 24, 23 Ligularia sachalinensis 23 22 Ligusticum grayi Gray’s lovage 24 Lilium martagon Martagon Lily Mix 23 Lupinus angustifolius Süßlupine Gulzower Blaue From Danish Seed Savers; not edible; green manure 24 Lupinus luteus Jorlupine From Danish Seed Savers; green manure 22 OUT Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato 42 days Ripened in the open field in Trøndelag in a cold summer (earliest in a trial of 8 varieties in the summer of 22) 24 22 Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato Anna Russian High, pink (as large as an apple) 21 Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato Aztec Yellow Yellow, microbush 21 Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato Eva Rysk 23 Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato German Pink 24 22 Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato Hundreds and Thousands 21 Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato Imur Prior Beta 23 Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato Nordisk mirakel Pear shaped / early 21 Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato Ola Polka 22 Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato Old Norway 24 Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato Pear Shaped 23 21 Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato Pigmeo Rød Red bush 22 Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato Sejk Red, sauce tomato 21 Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato Sjokolade Plummer 24 22 OUT Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato Sweet n Neat Pink micro 22 OUT Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato Turbo Reakivny 24 23 Malva verticillata Chinese Mallow; Cluster Mallow, Curled Mallow, Large-whorl Mallow 22 Malva verticillata var crispa Curly mallow 22 Medicago sativa Lucerne Live Seed From Nordgen NGB 11557 23 Melissa officinalis Lemon balm 23 22 Mertensia ciliata Mountain Bells 23 Molopospermum peloponnesiacum 24 Nicandra physalodes Apple of Peru, Shoo-fly plant 22 Nigella sativa Black Cumin Mix of several accessions from Gatersleben or individually 22 Nigella sativa Black Cumin Væres Venners mix 22 Oxyria digyna Mountain sorrel 24 23 Papaver somniferum Opium poppy Malvik Mix 24 23 Papaver somniferum Opium poppy Double Pink 23 Papaver somniferum var setigerum Opium poppy Olbia Seed From Sardinia 23 Pastanica sativa Parsnip Gladiator F1 24 Pastanica sativa Parsnip Hollow Crown 24 Pastanica sativa Parsnip Palace F1 24 Pastanica sativa Parsnip Tender and True 24 Pastanica sativa Parsnip White Gem 24 Pastanica sativa Parsnip Malvik Mix 24 Patrinia gibbosa 24 Peucedanum japonicum 24 Peucedanum ostruthium Masterwort Variegata 24 Phaseolus coccineus Runner Bean Væres Venners Tidlig Mix 24 Phaseolus vulgaris French Bean Olsok For 20 people; Gift From Jasper Kroon in Solhatt! See Overview at KVANNs Hagebønner: https://kvann.no/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Oversikt_KVANNs_Hagebonner130224.pdf 23 Phaseolus vulgaris French Bean Dvergbønne For 20 people; Gift From Jasper Kroon in Solhatt! See Overview at KVANNs Hagebønner: https://kvann.no/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Oversikt_KVANNs_Hagebonner130224.pdf 23 Phaseolus vulgaris French Bean Bergsgubben For 1 person; See Norwegian overview at KVANNs Hagebønner: https://kvann.no/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Oversikt_KVANNs_Hagebonner130224.pdf 23 Phaseolus vulgaris French Bean Øijord For 1 person; See Norwegian overview at KVANNs Hagebønner: https://kvann.no/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Oversikt_KVANNs_Hagebonner130224.pdf 23 Phaseolus vulgaris French Bean Grønnfold For 1 person; See Norwegian overview at KVANNs Hagebønner: https://kvann.no/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Oversikt_KVANNs_Hagebonner130224.pdf 23 Phaseolus vulgaris French Bean Klosterbønne For 2 personer; See Norwegian overview at KVANNs Hagebønner: https://kvann.no/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Oversikt_KVANNs_Hagebonner130224.pdf 23 Phaseolus vulgaris French Bean Klosterbønne Arne Fjellberg-linje For 2 personer; See Norwegian overview at KVANNs Hagebønner: https://kvann.no/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Oversikt_KVANNs_Hagebonner130224.pdf 22 Phaseolus vulgaris French Bean Klosterbønne fra Larvik For 2 personer; See Norwegian overview at KVANNs Hagebønner: https://kvann.no/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Oversikt_KVANNs_Hagebonner130224.pdf 23 Physalis alkekengi Chinese Lantern Non-bitter 23 Physalis peruviana Goldenberry Indian Strain Grown indoors in Malvik; Seed from 10 year old, 2m high plants 22 NEW 140224 Phyeuma hemisphaericum 24 Phyteuma nigra Black rampion Could have crossed with P. spicata NEW 140224 Phyeuma scheuchzeri 24 Phyteuma spicatum Spiked rampion Norwegian article: https://www.edimentals.com/blog/?p=21018 24 23 22 NEW 140224 Phytolacca americana 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Alma 1 portion; Gift from Seed Savers Exchange, SSE 3169 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Austrian Winter 2 portions; From Arche Noah 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Carlin 2 portions 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Finsk fra SSE 1 portion; Gift from Seed Savers Exchange; PI203064 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Flamingo 10 portions; Commercial variety sold by Hodmedods, UK 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Hurst Green Shaft 1 portion; old English variety 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Brunært fra Nakskov 1 portion; Danish Variety from Danish Seed Savers; see https://www.froesamlerne.dk/Varietysdatabasen/vis-Variety?varietyid=558 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Biskopens gråärt 2 portions; Danish Variety from Danish Seed Savers; see https://www.froesamlerne.dk/Varietysdatabasen/vis-Variety?varietyid=206 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Golden Sweet 1 portion 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Green Beauty Snow Pea 1 portion 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Herald 1 portion 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Lille Holgers Kæmpeært 1 portion; Danish variety from Danish Seed Savers; see https://www.froesamlerne.dk/Varietysdatabasen/vis-Variety?varietyid=691 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Magnolia Blossom 1 portion 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Maries 1 portion; Norwegian-Danish Variety; See https://www.froesamlerne.dk/Varietysdatabasen/vis-Variety?varietyid=221 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Lollandske Rosiner 2 portions; Danish Variety; see https://www.froesamlerne.dk/Varietysdatabasen/vis-Variety?varietyid=211 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Norrøna 1 portion; NGB 7128; see De Gamle Norwegiane Ertene (Februar 2024) 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Purple Magnolia 2 portions 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Ringeriks 1 portion 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Slikkert fra Våler 3 portions; NGB 20044; see De Gamle Norwegiane Ertene (Februar 2024) 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Svartbjörsbyn 1 portion; Swedish sugar peas, see https://www.growingdiversity.info/se/databas/gronsaker/aert/sockeraert/svartbjorsbyn 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Stevns 1 portion; Danish Variety; see https://www.froesamlerne.dk/Varietysdatabasen/vis-Variety?varietyid=224 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Store Holgers Kæmpeært 1 portion; Danish Variety; see https://www.froesamlerne.dk/Varietysdatabasen/vis-Variety?varietyid=690 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Sugar Magnolia 2 portions 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Salmon Flowered 1 portion; crown pea from UK; see https://www.gardenorganic.org.uk/seeds/pea-salmon-flowered 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Tidlig Sabel 2 portions 24 Pisum sativum Garden pea Winterkefer 1 portion; a Variety sown in autumn in Denmark; From Auatria; see https://www.froesamlerne.dk/Varietysdatabasen/vis-Variety?varietyid=226 24 Plantago major Greater plantain Atropurpurea 24 23 Plantago maritima Sea Plantain 23 Platycodon grandiflorus Balloon flower 23 Platycodon grandiflorus Balloon flower Dwarf Form 23 NEW 140224 Platycodon grandiflorus Balloon flower White Form 24 Polygonatum biflorum American Solomon’s Seal 23 22 Polygonum hydropiper Water pepper Mix of two varieties from IPK Gatersleben 22 Primula veris Cowslip 23 22 Primula veris Cowslip Hybrids 23 NEW 120124 Pycnanthemum incanum Hoary mountainmint 23 Pycnanthemum muticum Short-toothed mountainmint 23 NEW 120124 Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Little-leaved mountainmint 23 Pycnanthemum verticillatum var pilosum Whorled mountainmint 23 Raphanus sativus convar caudatus Rat’s tail radish Mix from Væres Venner 23 Raphanus sativus convar caudatus Rat’s tail radish 5 varieties 22 Reichardia picroides French Scorzonera 23 Rhus typhina NEW Rosa dumalis 24 Rumex acetosa Sorrel Mix av Russian varieties 24 23 22 Rumex crispa Curly mallow 24 Rumex patientia Patience dock See Stephen Barstows article i Norwegian Hagetidend her: https://kvann.no/2022/12/10/stephen-barstow-om-hagesyre-rumex-artikkelsamling-i-Norwegian-hagetidend/ 23 22 Rumex rugosus From IPK Gatersleben 22 Rumex scutatus French sorrel Could have crossed 24 Rumex spp From Dead Sea 23 Sagittaria latifolia Wapato Grown in swampy soil; edible tubers 24 Sambucus cerulea 23 Sanguisorba minor Salad burnet 23 Scophularia auricata? Water Figwort 23 22 Secale cereale x montanum Hybrid perennial rye Mountaineer Perennial rye hybrid from Tim Peters 24 23 Serratula coronata From Kazakhstan; young shoots used in Asia 24 22 Sinapis alba White mustard 23 Sonchus oleraceus Common sow thistle Alba White flowers 22 NEW Sorbus ulleungense 24 Stachys sylvatica Hedge Woundwort 23 22 Streptopus amplexifolius Wild Cucumber; American Twistedstalk 24 Taraxacum alaskanum Alaska dandelion From USDA; Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata 24 NEW 140224 Taraxacum atrans 24 Taraxacum berthal 24 22 NEW 120124 Taraxacum breconense 23 Taraxacum excellens 24 22 NEW 120124 Taraxacum haematicum 23 Taraxacum isophyllum 22 Taraxacum kok-saghyz Rubber dandelion From USDA; Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata 23 Taraxacum lacistophyllum 24 22 Taraxacum leucanthum White flowers 23 22 NEW 120124 Taraxacum multicolorans 23 Taraxacum Montmagny 24 Taraxacum parnassicum 22 Taraxacum Pissenlt Ameliore 24 Taraxacum pseudoroseum Pink flowered dandelion See https://tinyurl.com/ynzp2455 24 23 22 Taraxacum retroflexum 24 22 Taraxacum scanicum 24 22 Taraxacum spp. Bergstua brebladet Dandelion with the broadest leaves in the garden 22 Taraxacum spp. Thick-leaved Cultivar from UK 24 22 NEW 120124 Taraxacum tenebricans 23 Taraxacum tortilobum Moss-leaved dandelion https://tinyurl.com/2rkcnv76 24 23 22 Tetragonia tetragonoides New Zealand Spinach 24 Tigridia pavoniana Cacomitl; Tigridia Tubers or seed; edible bulbs 24 23 22 Tragopogon orientalis 24 Trifolium dubium Lesser trefoil Annual 23 22 Trifolium subterraneum Subterranean clover 22 Trigonella caerulea Blue fenugreek Mix of varieties from IPK Gatersleben or individually 22 Trigonella foenum-graecum Fenugreeek Mix of varieties from IPK Gatersleben or individually 21 Trillium erectum Beth Root Burgundy 24 Valeriana officinalis Common valerian 23 22 Valerianella locusta Lamb’s lettuce 23 Valerianella locusta Lamb’s lettuce Gekielter Feldsalat Seed from Arche Noah 23 Vicia faba Broad bean Væres Venners Mix Offering a grex from KVANNs demonstration garden at Væres Venner in Trondheim. See https://www.edimentals.com/blog/?p=27037 22 Vicia narbonensis 23 Zea mays Maize Vivis Sweetcorn Landrace Seed From Vivi Logan, Danish Seed Savers 23
Goldfinches are experts at neither getting burrs attached to them nor a face full of snow when feeding as here on burdock (borre) in the garden (filmed from the living room). The burdock were deliberately grown here so that I could see these mainly winter visitors feeding from the comfort of the living room!
Perennial vegetables, Edimentals (plants that are edible and ornamental) and other goings on in The Edible Garden