Tag Archives: Horseradish


I 2021 publiserte Norsk Hagetidend en serie artikler jeg hadde skrevet om 10 av mine favoritt flerårige grønnsaker til Norsk Hagetidend.  Alle artiklene kan nå bli lastet ned ved å klikke på lenkene nedenfor! 

English: In 2021, I wrote a series of two page articles about my favourite perennial vegetables for Norsk Hagetidend (the magazine of the Norwegian Horticultural Society) in Norwegian. The complete series can be found below.

The plants are (scroll down to all the articles):
February 2021  Caucasian spinach / stjernemelde (Hablitzia tamnoides)

Download (PDF, 603KB)

March 2021  Horseradish / pepperrot (Armoracia rusticana)

Download (PDF, 339KB)

April 2021 Sea kale / strandkål (Crambe maritima)

Download (PDF, 288KB)

May 2021  Nodding onion / prærieløk (Allium cernuum)

Download (PDF, 329KB)

June 2021 Udo (Aralia cordata)

Download (PDF, 246KB)

July 2021  St, Jansuien /  sankthansløk (Allium x cornutum)

Download (PDF, 248KB)

August 2021 Cherokee spinach / gjerdesolhatt (Rudbeckia laciniata)

Download (PDF, 256KB)

September 2021 Hosta / bladlilje (Hosta spp.)

Download (PDF, 250KB)

October 2021 Patience dock / hagesyre (Rumex patientia)

Download (PDF, 236KB)

November 2021 Persian shallot / persisk sjalott (Allium stipitatum)

Download (PDF, 278KB)


March soba greens

Today it reached an unusually warm 16C here which encouraged the first bumble bees and honey bees out! The picture shows the greens (and whites) used in tonight’s soba (buckwheat noodle) stir-fry:
Hogweed (Heracleum spp.) shoots (far left, from the cellar); top row: Dystaenia takesimana (outside), chicons (chicory shoots; cellar), horseradish shoots (cellar), garlic and Allium scorodoprasum shoots (outside), Allium cernuum shoots (outside); Below from L to R: Dandelion (Taraxacum) shoots from the cellar, ground elder (Aegopodium podograria) shoots (outside), lesser celandine (Ficaria verna), wild buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum) seed sprouts (living room), nettle shoots (Urtica dioica), hedge mustard (Alliaria petiolata) and (bottom right) Hablitzia tamnoides shoots. 

Forced March Perennial Greens

In order to lengthen the season for harvesting of perennial vegetables, I dig up roots of a selection in the autumn and plant them in garden soil in large buckets (which I have a surplus of through my Allium project, now moved to the botanical gardens). As I explain in the video, all of these can be stored outside exposed to the cold as they are very hardy (minimum about -20C here), but some get a head start by moving into my cold cellar where they start growing slowly in the dark. Welcome to my living room:

These were the forced veggies used one day last week, from top left and across – Heracleum sibiricum (hogweed / bjørnekjeks); Campanula latifolia (giant bellflower / storklokke); Myrrhis odorata (sweet cicely / spansk kjørvel);  Taraxacum officinale (dandelion / løvetann); (bottom row): Allium angulosum; Ficaria verna (lesser celandine / vårkål); Allium flavescens and Armoracia rusticana (horseradish / pepperrot); (centre right): wild buckwheat / vill bokhvete shoots – Fagopyrum tataricum)

Horseradish harvest

Although perfectly hardy, once it gets colder I won’t be able to harvest the roots, so today I harvested the winter’s supply of horseradish, and at teh same time limiting the spread of my plant. Some roots were planted in soil with the green shoots cut back.  These will be forced in the dark for the delicious shoots later in the winter. The other roots will be stored in the cellar in damp leaves until I need them for making grated horseradish and/or horseradish sauce, Austrian apfelkren (grated with steamed apples) or grated cooked beetroot…or homemade wasabi sauce.

This one tried to run away…but I caught it!

Catch of the day!

Yesterday’s harvest mostly from the garden (blanched dandelions and horseradish from the cellar):
Ground elder (skvallerkål)
Lesser celandine (vårkål)
Perennial kale (flerårige kål)
Seombadi (Dystaenia takesimana)
Dandelion (løvetann)
Allium x proliferum (walking onion / topset onions; luftløk)
Allium scorodoprasum (rocambole; bendelløk)
Allium nutans 
Horseradish (pepperrot)
Ground elder (skvallerkål)
Lesser celandine (vårkål)
Perennial kale (flerårige kål)
Seombadi (Dystaenia takesimana)
Dandelion (løvetann)
Allium x proliferum (walking onion / topset onions; luftløk)
Allium scorodoprasum (rocambole; bendelløk)
Allium nutans (pepperrot)
Hablitzia tamnoides (stjernemelde)

Sprouts in the cellar

A much warmer winter than normal and I returned home to well developed blanched dandelion shoots in the cellar together with horseradish shoots and the sweet cicely shoots (Myrrhis odorata) had also germinated en masse!  
This post shows the dandelion roots being dug and planted at the end of November: http://www.edimentals.com/blog/?p=23997

Grated Turkish Rocket

Turkish rocket (Bunias orientalis) is a major invasive in Southern Norway. It is believed that it was spread to Europe in a big way in horse forage that followed the Russian army that was victorious over Napoleon in 1814, reaching France. However, this species was being grown in the Chelsea Physic Garden in London as early as the 1730s.
Thanks to the Thai community in Oslo who discovered this great free to forage edible in Oslo, it has become better known as a summer vegetable in Norway – the best part is the flowering stems and “broccolis” which are milder than the rather strong tasting spring leaves.
However, the roots can be dug this time of year to make grated rocket using a similar method to that used for horseradish! Why not give it a go and help control the plant!
The ones I used were a bit fibrous, but the taste was excellent!




9th April veggies

Tonight’s garden foraged perennial veggies for an oriental stir-fry!

Lots of Hablitzia (stjernemelde), ground elder (skvallerkål), Svenskelauk (a form of Allium fistulosum), sweet cicely (spansk kjørvel), dandelion (løvetann), day lily shoots (daglilje), blanched horseradish shoots (pepperrot) and a variety of Allium victorialis (victory onion, seiersløk) which is the earliest form I grow along with one from the Kola peninsular in northern Russia; other varieties have hardly grown yet!

Long Horseradish root

We’re nearing the end of a very mild period with no frost in the ground, so I’ve been doing a lot of unseasonal work in the garden. Yesterday, I dug over the horseradish (pepperot) bed and excavated this one root that was trying to escape into a neighbouring area as carefully as I could!
I cut off the top with a bit of root for forcing the delicious young shoots and the root will be ground!