Some pictures of my beds of perennial kales. I took cuttings of 6 or 7 varieties today in case the mother plants don’t make it through the winter. I’ll do the second bed next weekend!
Monthly Archives: October 2016
My first Yacon flower after 10 years of trying!
My first fig..
I’ve unsuccessfully tried growing figs in my old unheated greenhouse, overwintered in the cellar. Now, for the first time I’ve finally succeeded! This young Bornholm fig grown all year in an unheated bedroom has 4 figs and one was eaten today! Delicious!
Indoors Oca plantation
Packing and sorting seed
A few pictures of seed I cleaned and packed for trading, offering to Norwegian Seed Savers and using in the kitchen today!
131116: Added a few more that I was sorting today!
151116:…and a few more today
161216:…and a few more today
Worcesterberries? still going strong
End of October salad
Just about to eat this….the olive like fruits are fermented wild plums…thanks Søren Holt (just found them at the back of the fridge)
Edible Lupins
Here are just a few pictures of lupins I’ve grown in my garden (click the pictures for more information)! Lupins have been grown for food since ancient times in the Mediterranean countries (>3000 years) and in the Andes (>6000 years)….. There’s been an upsurge in interest and cultivation of lupins for food in recent years as they can be made into the gluten-free lupini flour, but some people with peanut allergy (peanut is also a legume) are also allergic to these…look carefully at the ingredient list as lupini flour is even used in Norway!
I’ve never tried Lupinus angustifolius which I’ve heard is cultivated for food in Germany (recently developed low alkaloid varieties)!
However, it’s the development of low alkaloid varieties of perennial Lupinus nootkatensis that I most look forward to trying as there are few perennial bean crops!!
Even more onions……
Terje Visnes’ salad photo on show!
Last week, I blogged about the opening of an exhibition in Trondheim by a photographer Terje Visnes who must have taken thousands of pictures for the local newspaper Adresseavisen over the years. He had taken pictures of one of my salads two years ago:
I was chuffed then that he should choose one of the pictures taken that day for the exhibition and, naturally, had to go along and see it for myself! I visited unnanounced today and, to my surprise, Terje had also popped in, so there was an opportunity for a photo and a chat…and it turned out that Ingrid who runs the gallery knows my artist daughter….
The exhibition was nicely put together and the key to the salad ingredient picture (see the following link: was made available to visitors and was apparently quite popular – you can look at the picture and guess what the vegetables are and check afterwards their identity! And of course there are several other great pictures that Terje has taken over the years on show!!
That photo shoot in my garden turned out to be an expensive day…as I just had to have one of the few copies that are being sold :) If you’re into vegetable diversity art, you’ll have to be quick to get one of the remaining pictures!! Perfect for better restaurants!
Location: RAMM Rammeverksted, Haldens gt. 1, Trondheim (