A November Dandichoke!

Flower buds
Here is a plate of spring harvest dandichokes from one of my talk slides!

The dandichoke is debatably the best part of the dandelion. Like an artichoke, the dandichoke is below the emerging flowers, unusual in November! It is the self-blanched white part which is between the top of the root and the surface of the soil, a real gourmet vegetable which is free for the taking….but which most people just walk by…  :(

This was harvested and used in yesterday’s salad, 15th November 2015! See http://www.edimentals.com/blog/?page_id=2778

One thought on “A November Dandichoke!”

  1. My mind is going thru some expansion here! …Always loved the fresh flowers in a salad, but this is real creative thinking at work! Love it!

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Perennial vegetables, Edimentals (plants that are edible and ornamental) and other goings on in The Edible Garden