This page naturally went quiet during COVID and I found I really enjoyed just being at home gardening and decided not to go back to the travelling post-epidemic, partly as I never felt comfortable with all the air miles in the face of the climate emergency, although I did my last trip before COVID by train from Norway to the UK and Austria and back.
However, this autumn I’ve ramped up my garden tours and talks locally and have even for the first time for over 3 years scheduled a talk in southern Norway and there’s even one where I grew up in Chandlers Ford in England in November where I will be visiting my lovely mum (93). These are the events I have scheduled:
Upcoming Events (2023)
20th-24th February. Online talk “Biodiversity in Norway’s “The Edible Garden”. 2nd International Forest Garden / Food Forest Symposium (now available at along with a host of other great presentations!
24th August Special event (invited guests only) to celebrate that it’s 20 years ago I made my world record salad with 537 plants (see World Record Salad). The day will be marked with a new multispecies dish!25th August kl 14-17. Foredrag om Allium-slekten “Løksorter i løkhagen Chicago og KVANN” i Ringve Botaniske Hagen; se KVANNs Løkdag.25th August kl 17. Åpning av Løkhagen Chicago – Opening of the Onion Garden Chicago i Ringve Botaniske Hagen (Jeg holder et 20 minutters foredrag ute); se eller August kl 18-20. Hagevandring i Væres Venner Felleshagen på Ranheim; helgen 26. – 27. august har KVANNs styre en samling i Trondheim og i den anledning skal de besøker felleshagen hvor vi i KVANN har laget Verdenshagen for å vise flerårige grønnsaker fra hele verden, har en grønnsaksreservat og forsøksområdet samt en stor samling frukt, bær og nøttetrær, derav flere fra Trøndelag. Jeg skal lede en hagevandring og alle er velkommen; det er ingen påmelding og er gratis. Se 27th August kl 15-17. Det arrangeres en hagevandring for KVANNs styret og andre interesserte i min hage The Edible Garden i Malvik; flere detaljer kommer. Se 7th September Foredraget “Plantegenetiske ressurser for bærekraftig dyrking”. Ringve Botaniske Hagens jubileumsseminaret. OKOUKA I TRØNDELAG 2023Det kommer flere informasjon om mine hagevandringer og foredrag på følgende sider: og
27th September kl 17-19. Økouka hagevandring #1 i min hage The Edible Garden i Malvik; og
28th September kl 18-20. Foredraget “Flerårige klimariktige matplanter for urbane områder” holdes på Stammen Café & Bar i Trondheim; se
1st October kl 11-13. Økouka hagevandring #2 i min hage The Edible Garden i Malvik; og
1st October kl 14-16. Økouka hagevandring i Væres Venner Felleshagen på Ranheim; flere detaljer kommer (ingen påmelding).
18th October kl 1830 Foredrag for Trondheim Hagelag i Moholt menighetshus.
25th October Foredrag for Trondheim Potetdyrkalag.
19th November Talk in Chandlers Ford, England put on by the Wild Hive Collective (to be confirmed);
The file gives more information about the content of my talks and workshops. Please scroll further down this page to view a chronological list of planned and completed talks, courses and garden tours………..
12th June
18th April Webinar for KVANN (Norwegian Seed Savers): En studietur til Japan i 2016 – domestisering av ville matplanter (sansai);
10th April Webinar Edible Perennial Vegetables for Seacoast Permaculture in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA,
24th March Webinar for KVANN (Norwegian Seed Savers): Vedaktige matplanter i Malviks Spiselig Hage
14th March Webinar for KVANN (Norwegian Seed Savers): Flerårige Grønnsaker for Nord Norge og Fjellet
Past Events (2020)3rd August Foredrag om staudegrønnsaker for Sandefjord Hagelag i samarbeid med Hageland Gjennestad (utsatt)
6th August Foredrag / kurs i Kristiansand (utsatt)
I’m also planning to be in North England/ Scotland (late September / early October), all by train I hope!
20th January Talk organised by Alternativreferat ÖH Uni Graz (University of Graz) in Austria; see and
21st January Talk at the 7th Langenlois Woody Plants Seminar: “An introduction to Norway`s Edible Garden with focus on trees and shrubs”(…/040_langenloiser_gehoelzt…/)
22nd January Talk at the 29th Langenlois Herbaceous Perennial seminar: “Around the World in 80 plants, an edible perennial vegetable
(…/041_langenloiser_staudent…/)27th January 19-21:30 Foredrag (talk) “Spiselige stauder og prydgrønnsaker” for Nesodden Hagelag (se
13th February 18-20 Webinar on perennial vegetables (in English) hosted by Omställningsnätverket and Eskilstuna Folkhögskola in Sweden (for registration go to or on Facebook:
24th-26th April Annual meeting of Norwegian Seed Savers (KVANN)Stavanger (no details yet) (cancelled; was held on.lin)
27th April 18:00-20:30 Spiselige stauder og prydgrønnsaker for Bergenshagen! Foredrag arrangert av Lystgården, Bærekraftige Liv og Matskogen på Landås ( se; billetter:
28th-29th April : Perennialen IV in Hardanger (no details yet)
8th-10th May: The 4th Permaveggies weekend course at The Edible Garden in Malvik (no details yet)
26th-29th June Events in Belgium (more details later)
30th June Mini symposium on Future Food. I’ll be doing a talk and walk and talk in the gardens with Wouter van Eck of Food Forest Ketelbroek at the Utrecht Botanical Garden in the Netherlands (details later)
1st July 13:30-19:30 Events organised by Wouter van Eck of Food Forest Ketelbroek; 3 hour Around the World Talk divided into two parts, walk and talk at Foodforest Ketelbroek and a meal at a local organic vegetarian restaurant Dorpshuis de Slenk who serve food from Ketelbroek (tickets:
2nd July Event organised by Max de Corte: probably a talk and a tour at Trompenburg Arboretum including Food Forest Overtuin (afternoon) (details later)
3rd-5th July I’ll be doing a weekend course at Åfallet Skogsträdgård (Forest Garden) (Elin and Viktor Säfve) at the weekend 3rd-5th July. The course will be in a mix of English (my parts) with Swedish plant names and Swedish. See (postponed to 2021)
Past Events (2019) :
14th February: Malvik Idrettslag, Seniorgruppa, Vikhammer, Norway
19th February: Malvik Rotary, Vikhammer Hotel, Norway
2nd March 14-17 East Anglian Garden Group (Chamberlin Hall: Bildeston village hall, Chamberlin Close, Wattisham Road, Bildeston, Ipswich, Suffolk, England)
7th March 19-21 The Art House, Southampton (ticketed event, see the Art House web site or see
11th March 19:30- Plant Heritage, Surrey (St. Andrew’s Church Hall, Cobham, England) 19:30-—Edible-ornamentals-by-Stephen-Barstow.aspx
26th-28th April Bornholm, Denmark (details to be confirmed)
3rd-5th May: Annual meeting of Norwegian Seed Savers in Trondheim, Norway
1st-2nd June: Lom (Aukrust Gard), Norway (details to be confirmed)
5th June: Besøkssenter, Ytre Hvaler Nasjonalpark, Skjærhalden, Norway (talk followed by a walk on one of the islands looking for edibles) se
27th-28th July: Farming in Harmony with Nature- Summer Festival (Agdenes, Norway); se
14th August: Opening of the new Allium garden at the Ringve Botanical Garden in Trondheim, Norway (cancelled until next summer)
5th September: Open garden in connection with Trondheim Klimafestival (17-18:30 and 19-20:30) (Sold out)
8th September (12-16): Væres Venner Community Garden Open Day in connection with Trondheim Klimafestival (
22nd September: Walk and talk with Joe Hollis at Mountain Gardens (near Asheville, North Carolina) (see and; Tickets available at (FB Event:
24th September: Evening talk at the Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta, Georgia (the Alston lecture); see
26th September 18:30-19:30: Talk co-hosted by Seed Savers Exchange and the Norwegian-American Vesterheim Museum in Decorah, Iowa! (At the museum in Decorah). Free event. See
27th-29th September: Mid-West Wild Harvest Festival (Keynote plus two*3 hour talks /courses); and
1st October 18-20. Talk organised by Eric Toensmeier at the Holyoke Community Center, Holyoke, Massachusetts (see and
3rd October: Talk “Around the World in 80 Plants: From New England westwards to the Mediterranean” organised by Aaron Parker of and the The Resilience Hub & Portland Maine Permaculture at the Resilience Hub in Portland, Maine. See
4th October (19-21): Talk “Around the World in 80 Plants: The Mediterranean north and eastwards via Old England to New England” at the Urban Forestry Center
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA (organised by Seacoast Permaculture, North Shore Permaculture Collaborative in collaboration with The Resilience Hub & Portland Maine Permaculture ) (FB:; Tickets:
5th October: Looking for organisers for an evening event in the Boston area (possibly a walk and talk in the Arnold Arboretum)
6th October: Mayday Space, Brooklyn, New York (organised by Dylan Blanchard; see
29th October: Talk on Alliums for Fet Hagelag, Norway (in Norwegian)
Past Events (2018) :
21st February 2018: Talk in Southampton, UK (A talk about winter vegetables and the hungry gap). See and tickets here:
27th February 2018: Talk at Trondheim Nyttevekstforeningen (on a tour to study Japanese wild edibles and perennial vegetables in 2016). Ringve Botaniske Hagen.
28th February 2018: Edible Perennials for Temperate Climates WEBINAR hosted by Polyculture: Food Resilience Through Biodiversity In Local Communities
10th March 2018 11:00-14:30 Permakultur og spiselige vekster i hagen. Sted: Trysil Knut Hotell (se
10th -11th March 2018 Participating at Årsmøte i Norsk Permakultur Foreningen, The Goat’s Garden, Skoppum (
12th March 2018 Foredrag (talk) on “Et mangfold av hjemmedyrkete grønnsaker for vinteren og vårknipen” (winter vegetables) for KVANN / Norwegian Seed Savers, Losæter, Oslo (see
3rd April 2018 18:30 Neugarten, Neubad Lucerne (
4th April 2018 14-17 Walk and talk organised by Pro Specie Rara; ProSpecieRara-Hauptsitz in den Merian Gärten (see
7th April 2018 The Potential of Perennials for Food Resilience Symposium, Kapuzinerkloster Stans, Mürgstrasse 18, 6370 Stans, Switzerland (see )
21st -22nd April 2018 Bornholm, Denmark (cancelled, we’ll try to rearrange next year)
28th -29th April 2018 : Hvaler Hagelag (more details later)
23rd May 2018: 19:30 – 22 Ålesund og omegn hagelag (see
25th-26th May 2018: Bærekraftig Liv, Bergen; 11-14 Introkurs til flerårige grønnsaker (se 14-17 Viderekommende kurs i flerårige grønnsaker
(se; Tickets:
28th May 2018: 18-21 Gartneriet, Bygdø Kongsgård, Oslo. Walk and talk mens vi høster av naturens og hagens ville og dyrkete vekster og lager en salat av det!
9th June: BBC Radio 4’s Gardeners’ Question Time Summer Garden Party (see the flyer at and also
21st June 2018 18-21: Klæbu Hagelag (
23rd June 2018: Dokka Hagefestival; utendørs foredrag og KVANN stand; se
14th July 2018: Nordic Permaculture Festival (talk and forage) (se
20th -25th August 2018: PDC Week 1 with Jan Bang in Hurdal Ecovillage (see
23rd August 2018, 18-21 Talk at Ringebu Prestegård
6th September 2018: Open garden in connection with Trondheim Klimafestival (17-18:30 and 19-20:30)
16th September: 14-17 Around the World Talk and Walk at Minstead Study Centre, Hampshire, UK(see
22nd and 23rd September: Planter’s Seminar (with Bob Flowerdew and Ken Cox) (see the flyer at
24th-30th September 2018: PDC Week 2 with Jan Bang in Hurdal Ecovillage (see
26th October 2018: Course 09:00 – 18:00 “Plantas Comestíveis” at Herdade Freixo do Meio, Portugal (with Fernanda Botelho) (See
29th October 2018: Workshop 14:30 “Plantas Perenes Silvestres Comestíveis “ at Mértola, Portugal (info at
1st November 2018: Course 09:00 – 18:00 “Plantas Comestíveis” at Ecoaldeia Janas, Portugal (with Fernanda Botelho) (See
Past Events (2017) :
28th January 2017: Foredrag “Jorda rundt med planter som smaker” for Hamar Hagelag, kl. 10.30-14
Sted: Hamar rådhus, kommunestyresalen (se
29th January 2017 (kl. 13-17): Foredrag i Hurdal (se og
30th January 2017: Foredrag Talk at the Royal Court in Oslo for gardeners, chefs and other staff at the Palace (Det kongelige Hoff, Oslo)
8-9th March 2017 16:00 Trondheim’s Kosmorama Film Festival’s Gourmet Cinema; see
15th March 2017 Skjetlein Videregående Skole (Trondheim) – internal course
24th March 2017 Sogn Jord- og Hagebruksskule (1830-2130 at Marianne Bakeri & Kafè in Aurdal (free entrance) (see also
24th-26th March 2017 Weekend seminar at Hardangerakademiet for fred, utvikling og miljø, Jondal: “ET LAND – OG HAGEBRUK NÆRMERE NATUREN. Økologisk dyrking for småskala yrkesdyrking og hagebruk” See og (Cancelled)
31st March 2017 Talk and garden tour at the Horticulture Centre of the Pacific, 505 Quayle Rd, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada ( and tickets from ) (Arr: Hatchet & Seed)
6th April 2017: Centretown United Church, 507 Bank St. , Ottawa, Canada (6-9pm) (see
10th April 2017: Montreal (closed event)
11th April 2017 La Ferme des Quatre-Temps (Hemmingford) (closed event)
22nd April 2017: Årsmøtet i Norwegian Seed Savers (Oslo området) (Annual meeting)
27th April 2017: Talk arranged by the Curtis Museum in Alton, Hampshire, England
5th – 7th May 2017: Helgekurs “Spiselige planter på Jevnaker og ellers i verden”, en weekend samling i Jevnaker” (se og
8th May 2017 kl.18.00 hos Nabolagshager i landbrukskvartalet (Inngang fra Platousgate i Landbrukskvartalet på Grønland; see
11th May 2017 Ranheim Frivillighetssentralen, Trondheim (tickets:
11th-18th June 2017: Talks and courses in Austria for Arche Noah, both in east and west of the country (see
11th June 2017 10-17 ARCHE NOAH Schaugarten, Obere Straße 40, 3553 Schiltern und Schloss Schilern (vis-á-vis von Schaugarten) (
13th June 2017 16-1730 Permaveggies tour of the Vienna Botanical Garden (in English) (In cooperation with the Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna) (see
14th June 2017 18-21 Evening seminar on Permaveggies in Vienna (Kammermeierei der HBLFA Schönbrunn, Seckendorff-Gudent Weg 6, 1130 Wien) (see
16th June 2017 14-18 Half-day Permaveggies course in St. Koloman (Auerhütte am Seewaldsee, 5423 St. Koloman) (see
18th June 2017 15-1630 “Permaveggies” tour of the Salzburg Botanical Garden (see
2nd July 2017: Åfjord (Fosen) “Spiselige ville vekster og sunne matplanter i hagen” (walk and talk) Arr. Rotnes Fritid (see
21st July 2017 17-22: Gladsalat2017 i Stavanger (verdensrekord forsøk i mangfoldssalat / world record attempt in diversity salad): see (cancelled)
28th-31st July 2017: Naturplanteskolen weekend course in Malvik. (Cancelled due to too few participants).
6th August 2017 10-17: Valdres Sopp og Nyttevekster “Tenkelige og utenkelige spiselige ville og dyrket vekster”. Sted: Skikroa på Vaset
7th-10th August 2017: Hardanger Perennialen II at Alvastien (course on perennial vegetables being planned in beautiful Hardanger), Norway; se (here’s a link to an album of pictures of the first Perennialen: )
21st August 2017 11:30 – 12: If you can’t beat it, eat it: on using Alien species in the kitchen. Seminar for Artsdatabanken in Trondheim.
24th-27th August 2017: Teaching on a Permaculture Design Course weekend in Malvik/Trondheim with Jan Bang #1 (see
28th August 2017: Open garden in connection with Trondheim Klimafestival
31st August 2017: Talk (in English) at Göteborgs (Gothenburg) botaniska trädgård, Göteborg, Sweden (see )
2nd-3rd September 2017: Course on the Danish island Bornholm which is located some way from Denmark between Sweden and Germany!
6th September2017: Course on Allium at Naturplanteskolen, Denmark
14th-17th September 2017: Teaching on a Permaculture Design Course weekend in Malvik/Trondheim with Jan Bang #2 (see
27th September 2017: kl. 18-20. En kortere gratis foredrag i forbindelse med åpning av Porsgrunn Frøbiblioteket! Porsgrunn Bibliotek, Rådhusgata 3, 3901 Porsgrunn (se
28th September 2017: kl. 9-13. Gratis kurs i Flerårige grønnsaker som en del av Økouka Telemark. Porsgrunn andelsgård, Eidanger Prestegård, 3944 Porsgrunn (Påmelding til okouka@porsgrunnandelsgard
12th-15th October 2017: Teaching on a Permaculture Design Course weekend in Malvik/Trondheim with Jan Bang #3 (see
26th October 2017: Talk at Trondheim Folkebiblioteket (Frøbibliotek) (Cancelled until Spring 2018)
30th October 2017: Talk about my trip to Austria in June organised by Arche Noah. At the “Frø for framtida” seminar, Litteraturhuset, Oslo (se
31st October 2017: Short talk (40 min) at “Grønn Helse i Byen” symposium (se, Oslo (Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi)
1st November 2017: Course for Oslo Bybondelag (evening) (see
5th December 2017: Talk at Fosen Folkehøgskole
Past Events (2016) :
3rd March: Lunchtime talk at Lade (Trondheim) Rotaryklubb
6th April 2016: Talk in Tokyo, Japan; see
8th April 2016: Talk at 塩田とっこ館 (Shioda Tokkokan Museum, Shioda Daira city); see
19th April 2016: Inspirational talk at the end of the first Kitchen Garden for beginners course organised by Skjetlein grønt kompetansesenter in Trondheim. See and
27th April 2016: Talk and foraging. Elveslett , Gressvik, Fredrikstad, Norway, 17-21 (see and
28th April 2016: Kosters Trädgårdar, Sweden (see
29-30th April 2016: Holma skogsträdgård , Sweden (more details later)
1st May 2016: Naturplanteskolen Masterclass #1, Denmark (Aiah Noack) (see and
2nd May 2016: Fuglebjerggaard, Denmark (Camilla Plum) (see and
3rd May 2016: Göteborg Botaniska, Sweden (cancelled to 2017)
4th May 2016: Botanisk Hage i Oslo, Norway (Norsk Botanisk Forening) (See )
13th-15th May 2016: The return of the Malvik Permaveggies course ( and
1st June 2016: Edible garden tours at the Ringve Botanical Garden in Trondheim (Hagevandring på Ringve) at 1800 and 1930 (see
11th June 2016: Visit to Incredible Vegetables in Ashburton, Devon
12th June 2016: Hellens Garden Festival, UK (more details later) ; see (see also )
13th June 2016: Visit to Knightshayes Court, Devon
14th June 2016: Wardington Manor, Banbury, UK: workshop on perennial vegetables (
15th June 2016: Visit to Highgrove to see Prince Charles’ national Hosta collection :)
15th June 2016: Talk and book signing with Southampton’s Groovy Growers at the Art House Gallery, Southampton between 18 and 21 (for tickets: see
18th June 2016: Visit to my garden for participants of Grønttreffet 2016 i Trondheim /Malvik (National weekend event for members of the Norwegian Useful Plants Society)
19th June 2016: Edible garden tour at the Ringve Botanical Garden in Trondheim (Hagevandring på Ringve) as part of Grønttreffet 2016 i Trondheim /Malvik (National weekend event for members of the Norwegian Useful Plants Society) and also Ringve’s Open Day (tour starts at 1300); see
25th June 2016: Lundefestivalen (Puffin Festival), Røst, Norway (foraging tour / sanketur) (see )
15th-19th July 2016: Naturplanteskolen visit to Malvik (see and
4th-7th August 2016: Nordic Permaculture Festival in Isnäs, Finland?
13th August 2016: Grennessminde: Det Økologiske Gartneri, Copenhagen, Denmark (see and )
14th August 2016: Naturplanteskolen Masterclass #2, Denmark (see
3rd September 2016: I will open my garden and two tours will be arranged in connection with Trondheim Climate Festival! See
9-10th September 2016: Hardanger, Alvastien Telste, Klyvevegen 181, 5612 Steinstø, Hordaland (cancelled until 2017)
11th September 2016: Arboretet og Botanisk hage, Bergen (Edible garden tour / hagevandring); se og
13-15th September 2016: Visit at The Teeny Weeny Farm, IV36 2TF Dyke, Moray, Scotland
17th September 2016: I’m leading a guided edimentals / perennial vegetables walk at the Royal Botanical Garden in Edinburgh’s Harvest Festival at 2 pm. See also
7th October 2016: Oikos Nord Trøndelag økoseminar på Bjerkem, Steinkjer (see )
8th October 2016: Hageselskapet Nord-Trøndelag på Jegtvolden på Inderøya ( foredrag etter årsmøte kl 1400).
22nd-23rd October 2016: Haugaland Sopp og Nyttevekstforening, Hordaland arrangerer kurs helg ved Nesheimstunet (i nedre Vats), Vindafjord (weekend course with Norwegian Useful plants society in Hordaland, Norway
24th October 2016: Sanse Helsegaard, Flesjåveien 34, 4160 Judaberg (Finnøy; between Stavanger and Haugesund) (foredrag fra 18:00–21:00; tickets available from; see also the FB event here: and (CANCELLED)
Past Events (2015) :
26th January 2015 : Malvik Hagelaget, Malvik (gardening club) Kl. 18 (Talk)
9th February : Jonsvatnet Hagelaget, Trondheim (gardening club) (Talk)
17th February : Trondheim Nyttevekstforening (Trondheim Useful Plants Society) (Talk) See
3rd March : Tverlandet Hagelaget (gardening club), Bodø, Norway (Talk) kl. 18
19th March-7th April: New Zealand (to be announced). The following two are unconfirmed
22nd March Raglan, NZ (Kaiwaka Gardens) (Details to come; Contact Steve Hart: stevenlawrencehart (at) 28th March Heritage Harvest Festival, Riverton, NZ between 1.45-4.45 (followed by a forest garden tour)
1st April Riverside Community, Lower Moutere , Tasman, NZ
24th-25th April : Jordseminar (UN’s International Year of Soils), Hitra (Helgebostad) (Course), Norway ( and
7th May : Molde Hagelaget (gardening club) in Collaboration With Ton Hazes, Molde, Norway (Talk) (
8th May : Oikos group Stussvik, Ølve, Hardanger, Norway (Vidar-Rune Synnevåg, tlf. 92447887) (Talk/course). FB event:
9th– 10th May – Hardanger Perennialen at Alvastien (course on perennial vegetables being planned), Norway (see ); The Alvastien web site is
11th May – Oslo og omland sopp- og nyttevekstforening inviterer til: Foredrag og vandring med forfatteren Stephen Barstow (Det Grønne Hjørnet, Frydenlundgata 12, 0slo. and (Talk and forage in Oslo)
21st May – Hilliers Arboretum, Hampshire, UK (Lunchtime lecture, lunch, garden walk and book signing) From 11 a.m. (this is also rather special for me as it’s nearby where I grew up and I’ve visited the gardens many times over the years). (
25th May – Incredible Edible Todmorden meets the Extreme Salad Man
I’m really happy to have been asked to give a talk at Todmorden, a place and people who have inspired so many people around the world. All are welcome to this unique opportunity to spend a day in Todmorden with me, with the following program: 11:00 – 12:30 Incredible Edible Todmorden (guided tour) 14:00 – 17:00 Around the world in 80 plants (talk) Information about price (it won’t be expensive) and local accommodation will follow! and
For more information, contact Estelle at
6th June – Food preservation workshop in my garden in Malvik with Norway’s fermentation queen Rita Amundsen from Bærum… A world record ferment is planned with many species! (konserverings workshop i min hage på Malvik med Norges fermenteringsdronningen Rita Amundsen fra Bærum). Arr: Nyttevekstforeningen i Trondheim.
19th – 21st June – Steigen, Norway (Course: talk and wild and garden foraging). For more information, see here:
22nd June – Tromsø, Norway : Garden tour at the Tromsø arctic-alpine botanic garden (1800 hrs)
23rd June – Tromsø, Norway: Course / talk, probably at Holt in Tromsø (1100 hrs) (more later)
3rd-4th July– Talk, forage and discussion (with Hans Jacob Peters)
Søndre Langeli, Langeliveien 68, 3089 Holmestrand See
4th July – Horten og Omegn Hagelaget (gardening club) (100 års jubileum festival) See
5th – 6th July – Lindesnes (Nyttevekstforeningen i Agder) (Useful Plants Society), Norway See
7th July; 14-17 and 18-21 – MAJOBO masterclasses “FLERÅRIGE GRØNNSAKER OG SPISELIGE STAUDER” /
4th August – Open garden / Hagevandring at 1800. Malvikveien 418, Malvik as part of Trondheim Climate Festival (Klimafestivalen i Trondheim). See (For tickets / påmelding, see or contact me)
8th August – Nordic Permaculture Festival, Stjernsund, Sweden (I will hold a 3+ hours workshop / talk based on my book) (see )
12th August – Kneiken Community Garden in Trondheim ( Wild edibles and seed saving course / vi ser etter spiselige planter i området og diskutere hvordan man ta frø av grønnsakene til neste år) at 1630 as part of Trondheim Climate Festival (Klimafestivalen i Trondheim). See (For tickets / påmelding, se or contact me!)
Late August / September – Oregon, Washington State and Iceland, USA
23rd August – 2-4pm Walk and talk at the Medicinal Herb garden at the University of Washington (meet near the bus stop)
24th August – 7:30-10:00pm, Talk on Around the World in 80 plants at University Heights Center, room 209, 5031 University Way Northeast, Seattle, WA 98105
29th August – 10:30-12:00 8th Annual Northwest Permaculture Convergence, Eugene, Oregon, USA; See
29th August – Short free preview talk 7:30-8:30 pm, People’s Food Co-op, 3029 SE 21st Avenue Portland, OR 97202 See
30th August – 6-9pm; People’s Food Co-op, 3029 SE 21st Avenue Portland, OR 97202; it is in the Community Room, on the second floor. Around the World in 80 plants: Part 1: Introduction – my own story and an intro to perennial vegetables; Around the world in 80 plants , Part 1 – North America, Scandinavia, Western and Central Europe, Mediterranean (continued in Monday’s talk). See
31st August – 6-9pm, Taborspace, 5441 SE Belmont Street, Portland, Oregon 97215, in Muir Hall, on the main level. Around the world in 80 plants , Part 2: Introduction – my own story and an intro to perennial vegetables; Around the world in 80 plants , Part 2 – Mediterranean (II), the Caucasus and West Asia, the Himalaya, Siberia, the Far East (Korea, Japan, China), New Zealand, South America and ending in North America. See
3rd September – 12:30pm to 5pm – Feral Farm, Upper Skagit Valley, Washington State, USA . I look forward to co-teaching with Matt van Boven! See (and
5th September – 1pm to 5pm Sal Garðyrkjufélags Íslands, Síðumúla 1, Reykjvaík “Ætar plöntur með Stephen Barstow – Námskeið Sumarhússins og garðsins (Edible plants with Stephen Barstow)” See
7th September – 10:00am to 4pm – Hlíðardalsskóli, Iceland. Workshop on “Plants worthy of trying out in Iceland” and
3rd November – “Around the World Vegetable Diversity in Norway”, talk at the seminar “Ny start for utviklingen av Norsk grønnsaksmangfold: Inspirasjon fra utlandet og fra vår egen historie” arranged by Organic Norway (Oikos), Oslo, Norway
Past Events (2014) :
12. mars Åsnes Hagelag, Skogsbrukskolen, Gjesåsen (Foredrag)
13. mars Hydros Hageklubb, Oslo (Foredrag)
15. mars Frøsamlernes Forårskursus 2014, Copenhagen (Foredrag)
27. april Portåsens vårmarked, Mjøndalen Foredrag (Foredrag)
27. april Spiselig By Horten (Foredrag) Helgen 10. – 11. mai Hvaler Hagelag (foredrag og villsanking)
1. juni Vestvågøy seiersløk safari (villsanking og besøk for å se løkhagen på Lofotr)
1.– 4. juni Skomvær Fyr (Lighthouse), Permagrønnsakskurs med kunstneriske innslag på Skomvær 17.- 20. juni Holma skogsträdgård, Höör, Sverige Foredrag og kurs (Holma, Lund og Malmø)
22. juni Ekebo Andelsgård, Nesodden Kl. 10 -16 Kursdag med fokus på flerårige grønnsaker (samarbeid mellom EKEBO andelsgård og Sletta Permakultura).
24. juli Bærum Permakulturforening kl. 18-21 i Dæliveien 56 i Bærum (minikurs)
25. – 29. juli European Permaculture Convergence, Lake Batak, Bulgaria (workshops and foraging)
14. – 17. august Nordic Permaculture Festival, Friland på Djursland (foredrag)
24. august Internasjonal kjøkkenhagendag på Tingvoll (kort halvtimers innlegg under selve arrangement etterfulgt av et minikurs)
30. – 31. august Økologisk Høstmarked, Grennesminde, Copenhagen, Danmark (jeg var overdommer på verdens første Fantasisalater konkurransen og holdt et kurs hos Naturplanteskolen)
12. september Talk to various transition / permaculture groups, Ottawa, Canada
21. september Arktisk Matfestival, Mosjøen (kort foredrag og villsanking)
15. oktober Stjørdal Hagelag Foredrag
19. oktober Bergen (Norsk Permakulturforening, lokallag Hordaland), Bærekraftig liv, Løvstakken Minikurs
20. oktober Tysvær Hagelag Foredrag
21. oktober Sola Helsefarm, Stavanger Minikurs
19. november JABB Trondheim (30 minutters innlegg om Plantearven og min bok)
29. november Bokslipp Oslo Mathallen
8. – 14. desember Bokslipp UK
16. desember Malvik Biblioteket (foredrag)
hei noen sjangse for et besøk i en av østfoldbyene? det hadde vært ille morro ;)
mvh vera gunnersen
Hei Vera,
Jeg hadde et helg kurs på Hvaler i mai….det er ikke utenkelig at jeg tar meg en tur før eller siden i at min datter flytter til Fredrikstad i disse dager :)
Du finner noe i Fredrikstad og Koster denne våren :)
hi Stephen
I’ve just discovered your website and really interested to hear what you’ve been doing. I’ve been living in Norway for the past 3 years and in that time have got more into growing. I don’t have a garden of my own right now but grow in containers whilst also trying to hook up with other growing initiatives in the (Scandi) area. I’m originally from the UK and learnt about forest gardening through Martin Crawford but I didn’t realise until now that there was anything happening with perennial vegetable growing here in Norway so am really excited to discover there is! Would it be possible to pick your brains some time as I’d like to explore how I can meaningfully get more involved in this area here in Norway? Many thanks.
Please feel free to ask here or on FB (FB Edimentals group: Good luck. Maybe see you at one of my courses/talks this summer. The first is on Monday, but is unfortunately sold out :(
Many thanks Stephen, I’ll check FB out. Yes, I hope to catch one of your events one day soon! In the meantime, would you be able to advise where it’s possible to get hold of seeds/seedlings of perennial veg here in Norway?
I’m hoping this is the way to contact Stephen Barstow.
My name is Kevin Alviti and I’m part of a group that organise a popular seed swap every year in Hereford, England. Each year we try to find an engaging speaker to get people to the event and inspire them to grow.
I know it’s a long shot but after my wife brought me your book for Christmas, I’ve not been able to put it down, such an interesting book and written in such an engaging way, I have a list of plants to grow this year because of you! So I thought I had to ask you if you’d be interesting in doing a talk for us, we haven’t finalised dates yet but it would either be the 2nd or the 9th of Feburary next year.
I understand you don’t live in the country so it might not be something you’re interested in but I have nothing to lose by asking!
Many thanks
Thanks for your interest and kind words! At the moment, I think those dates would be difficult as I’ve already agreed to a date on 2nd March in Suffolk aknd it’s unlikely I would come over twice in such a short time! If you are interested in a March date instead, please send me an email to sbarstow2 at! Thanks!