Tag Archives: KVANN

Dandelions in pink, white and yellow

16th May 2024: Dandelions in white, pink and (self-sowed) yellow in the Asian part of the World Garden at the Væres Venner Community Garden in Trondheim. I planted both Taraxacum albidum, Taraxacum leucanthum and Taraxacum pseudoroseum in this part of the garden and suspect these are albidum and pseudoroseum but am not sure. Will post separate albums below showing detailed studies of the pink and white one in case anyone has a key to these (there are several white flowered dandelion species in Asia).

Botanical details of what I’m growing as Taraxacum pseudoroseum in the World Garden at the Væres Venner community garden in Trondheim:

Botanical details of what I’m growing as Taraxacum albidum in the World Garden at the Væres Venner community garden in Trondheim. Anyone have a key to this species?

Seed saving talk weekend

Thanks to KVANN (Norwegian Seed Savers) colleague Andrew McMillion for coming up to Trondheim to give his seed saving course for local KVANN and Væres Venner Community Garden members! 

…and there was time for a Malvik visit, a seed saving and breeding chat, a tour of my seed boxes and a little salad with Witloof chicory and dandelion pizza.

Salad ingredients: Celery, three chicory varieties, dandelion (including one flower), carrot, Japanese yams, Allium cernuum and Hablitzia (from the garden), Hristo’s onion (Allium flavescens x nutans?), oca (2 varieties), apple (Aroma), horseradish shoots,  garlic, chives, wild buckwheat shoots and turnip “Målselvnepe”

Chicory / dandelion pizza with 100% coarse wholegrain Svedjerug (rye) sourdough base!

…and my seed archive:


Welcome to my new seed trade list for 2023-24
21, 22, 23 indicate the harvesting year for the seed. Concerning seed quantity: as I don’t have many plants of each species, seed quantity is limited in most cases. Therefore, for some species you may only get a few seeds. Many species are harvested in my garden. Others are surplus from trade and purchase. OUT: Means out of stock.  NB! Cultivars do not always come true (EX signifies that the seed were collected from that cultivar, but you won’t necessarilly get that). I offer them anyway, but no guarantees to what you will get! 
NOTE: I don’t sell seed and I won’t be doing many trades this winter due to a busy schedule. However, I offer all plus many more to members of Norwegian Seed Savers (KVANN). To become a member go to http.//kvann.no and click on “Bli med”. It costs kr. 300 / year plus postage and packing.
For trades, I am mainly interested in uncommon hardy perennials, but I may also be interested in annuals.
NB! Not all plants in this list are edible, although almost all are!

Botanical navn and cultivar (Ex- indicates it may not breed true); English name; Norwegian name; Year seed was saved
Acaena inermis “Purpurea”; ; ; ; 22
Agastache “Ranveig Edholm”; Anise hyssop; Anisisop; ; 23 22
Agastache foeniculum ; Anise hyssop; Anisisop; ; 23
Agastache foeniculum “Aureum”; Golden Anise Hyssop; Gylden anisisop; ; 23
Agrimonia eupatoria; Vanlig åkermåne; Agrimony; ; 23
Alcea rosea “Dark”; Hollyhock; Stokkrose; ; 21
Alcea rosea “Rose Pink”; Hollyhock; Stokkrose; ; 21
Alisma plantago-aquatica; Great Water Plantain; Vassgro; ; 22
Allium amphibolum ; ; ; ; 21
Allium carinatum Pulchellum; Keeled Garlic; Rosenløk; ; 22
Allium carolinianum ; ; ; ; 23
Allium cepa ascalonicum “Finland”; Shallot; Sjalottløk; ; 22
Allium cernuum; Nodding onion; Prærieløk; Miks; 21
Allium cristophii; ; ; ; 22
Allium crenulatum; ; ; ; 22
Allium cyathophorum ; ; ; ; 21
Allium decipiens; ; ; ; 23
Allium douglasii ; Douglas’ onion; Douglas-løk; ; 23 21
Allium fistulosum ; Welsh onion; Pipeløk; Ex-Gribowskij; 21
Allium fistulosum ; Welsh onion; Pipeløk – takløk; Takløk fra Gudbrandsdalen; 21
Allium flavum ; Small Yellow Onion; Doggløk; Miks; 22 21
Allium flavum subsp tauricum; Small Yellow Onion; Doggløk; ; 21
Allium galanthum; ; ; ; 23
Allium henryi; Henry’s onion; Henrys-løk; ; 23 22
Allium hookeri var muliense; Yellow hooker’s onion; Gul hookersløk; ; 23 22
Allium jesdianum Ex-Purple King; ; ; Ex-Purple King; 21
Allium karataviense Ex-Ivory Queen; ; Gråløk; Ex-Ivory Queen; 21
Allium kirilovii; ; ; ; 23 22
Allium lenkoranicum; ; ; ; 23
Allium macranthum ; ; ; ; 23 22
Allium microdictyon; ; ; ; 23
Allium moly; Golden Garlic; Lili Leek; Gull-løk; ; 23 22
Allium narcissiflorum; ; ; ; 23 21
Allium nutans Ex-Lena; Siberian broader leaf onion; Sibirsk nikkeløk; ; 23 22
Allium obliquum ; Twistedleaf garlic; Tvistebladløk; ; 21
Allium ochotense (was victorialis) Ex-Reykjavik/Sakhalin; ; ; ; 23
Allium ochotense (was victorialis) Ex-Yuzawa Engei, Japan; ; ; ; 23
Allium ochotense (was victorialis) Ex-Kirovsk ; ; ; ; 23
Allium ochotense (was victorialis) Ex-Nagano, Japan; ; ; ; 23
Allium ovalifolium var. leuconervum ; ; ; ; 23 22
Allium pskemense x fistulosum; Wietse’s onion; Wietsesløk; ; 21
Allium rosenorum; ; ; ; 21
Allium rotundum subsp jajlae ; Sand leek; ; ; 23
Allium sativum “Aleksandra”; Garlic; Hvitløk; ; 23
Allium sativum “Arkus”; Garlic; Hvitløk; ; 23
Allium sativum “Cledor”; Garlic; Hvitløk; ; 23
Allium sativum “Estisk rød”; Garlic; Hvitløk; ; 23
Allium sativum “German Hardneck”; Garlic; Hvitløk; ; 23
Allium sativum “Ljubasha”; Garlic; Hvitløk; ; 23
Allium sativum “Lochiel”; Garlic; Hvitløk; ; 23
Allium sativum “Ornac”; Garlic; Hvitløk; ; 23
Allium sativum “Valdres”; Garlic; Hvitløk; ; 23
Allium schoenoprasoides ; ; ; ; 23 22
Allium schoenoprasum subsp sibiricum; Siberian chives; Sibirsk gressløk; Hokkaido; 21
Allium scorodoprasum; Sand leek; Bendelløk; skogløk; ; 22
Allium senescens; Siberian broadleaf onion; Sibirsk kantløk; ; 23
Allium stipitatum ; Persian shallot; Persisk sjalott; ; 23 22
Allium stipitatum Ex-Album; Persian shallot; Persisk sjalott; ; 21
Allium tripedale; ; ; ; 21
Allium tricoccon; Ramps; Ramps; ; 23
Allium tuberosum ; Chinese chives; Kinagressløk; ; 23 22
Allium tuberosum ; Chinese chives; Kinagressløk; ; 21
Allium tuberosum Ex- Alaska; Chinese chives; Kinagressløk; ; 21
Allium tuberosum Ex-Nien Hwa; Chinese chives; Kinagressløk; ; 21
Allium tuberosum Ex-Geisha; Chinese chives; Kinagressløk; ; 21
Allium ulleungense? (earler Allium victorialis); Ulleung Victory Onion; Ulleung-seiersløk; ; 21
Allium ursinum ; Ramsons; Ramsløk; ; 21
Allium validum ; Pacific onion; Stillehavsløk; ; 23 22
Allium victorialis Miks; Victory onion; Seiersløk; ; 23 22 21
Allium victorialis Ex-Ringve; Victory onion; Seiersløk; ; 23
Allium victorialis Ex-Landegode, Nordland.Norway; Victory onion; Seiersløk; ; 23
Allium victorialis Ex-Hopen, Nordland.Norway; Victory onion; Seiersløk; ; 23
Allium victorialis Ex- Alps; Victory onion; Seiersløk; ; 23
Allium victorialis Ex-Vestvågøy, Nordland.Norway; Victory onion; Seiersløk; ; 23
Allium victorialis Ex-Cantabria; Victory onion; Seiersløk; ; 23
Allium victorialis Ex-Massif Central, Alps; Victory onion; Seiersløk; ; 23
Allium victorialis Ex-Granvin, Vestland, Norway; Victory onion; Seiersløk; ; 23
Allium wallichii Miks; Sherpa onion; Sherpa-løk; Nepal-løk; ; 23 22 21
Amorphophallus konjac; Konjac; Konjac; ; 23
Angelica archangelica ssp archangelica v. Majorum “Markusteigen-line”; Voss Angelica; Vossakvann ; ; 23
Anredera cordifolia; Madeira Vine; ; ; 23
Anthriscus sylvestris Ex-Golden Fleece; Cow parsley; Hundekjeks; ; 23
Apium graveolens “Aberdeen Selection”; Celery; Selleri; ; 20
Apium graveolens “Giant Red”; Celery; Selleri; ; 19
Apium graveolens “Green Utah”; Celery; Selleri; ; 20
Apium graveolens “Pink”; Celery; Selleri; ; 20
Apium graveolens “Red Stem”; Celery; Selleri; ; 19
Apium graveolens “Loretta”; Celery; Selleri; ; 21
Apium graveolens “Blush”; Celery; Selleri; ; 22
Apium graveolens “Celebrity”; Celery; Selleri; ; 22
Apium graveolens “Kintsai”; Celery; Selleri; ; 22
Apium graveolens “Golden Self-blanching”; Celery; Selleri; ; 22
Aquilegia caerulea ; Rocky mountain columbine; Himmelakeleie; ; 23 21
Aquilegia canadensis; Eastern columbine; ; ; 23
Aquilegia chrysantha ; Golden columbine; ; ; 22
Aralia californica ; California udo; Kalifornia-udo; ; 23 22
Aralia cordata; Udo; Udo; Japansk asparges; ; 23 22 21
Aralia racemosa; American Spikenard; Staudearalia; ; 23 22 21
Arctium lappa “Væres Venner Miks”; Greater burdock; Storborre; ; 22
Arisaema triphylla; Jack-in-the-Pulpit; Snabelkalla; ; 22
Asparagus officinalis Ex-Malvik; Asparagus; Asparges; ; 23 21
Asparagus officinalis “Giant White Cap”; Asparagus; Asparges; ; 22
Asphodelus albus; Asphodel; ; ; 22
Aster scaber (Doellingeria scabra) Ex- Sino-Himalayan; Korea Aster; Korea-Asters; ; 22
Atriplex hortensis “Lille Næstved Skole”; Garden orach; Rødhagemelde; ; 22 21
Atriplex hortensis “Rubra”; Red garden orach; Rødhagemelde; ; 23 22
Barbarea verna; American land cress; ; ; 18
Begonia grandis “Rosa”; ; ; ; 22
Beta vulgaris altissima “Solo Hill”; Sugar beet; Sukkerbete; ; 21
Beta vulgaris flavescens “Flamingo Pink”; Swiss chard; Mangold / bladbete; ; 21
Beta vulgaris flavescens “Sunset”; Swiss chard; Mangold / bladbete; ; 21
Brassica juncea “Giant Red”; Mustard greens; Sennepsalat; ; 23 22
Brassica nigra; Black mustard; Svartsennep; ; 23
Brassica oleracea Ex-Tree collards ; Perennial kale; Flerårige kål; ; 19
Brassica oleracea “Kalettes”; Kale; Grønnkål; ; 20
Brassica oleracea “KX-1”; Kale; Grønnkål; ; 21
Brassica oleracea Ex -Pentland Brig; Kale; Grønnkål; ; 19
Brassica oleracea Daubenton x Late Purple Sprouting Broccoli ; Perennial kale; Flerårige kål; Daubenton x Late Purple Sprouting Broccoli ; 19
Brassica oleracea Daubenton x Late Purple Sprouting Broccoli ; Perennial kale; Flerårige kål; Daubenton x Late Purple Sprouting Broccoli; 19
Brassica oleracea Ex-Asturian Tree kale; Kale; Grønnkål; ; 20
Brassica oleracea Ex-Ragged Jack Kale; Kale; Grønnkål; ; 19
Brassica oleracea Ex–Curly Kale / Parkens Grøde; Kale; Kortlevet flerårige kål; ; 21
Brassica oleracea var chinensis “Vreekens”; Chinese cabbage; Kinakål; ; 22
Brassica rapa “Målselvnepe Væres Venner-line”; Turnip; Nepe; ; 22
Brassica rapa “Norsk Elite Væres Venner line”; Turnip; Nepe; ; 22
Calamintha adscendens (syn Calamintha officinalis); Calamint; Kalamint; ; 21
Campanula persicifolia “Alba”; Peach-leaf Bellflower; Fagerklokke; ; 21
Campanula pyramidalis Miks; ; ; ; 22
Capsella bursa-pastoris; Shepherd’s purse; Gjetertaske; ; 22
Carum carvi “Malvik root selection”; Caraway; Karve; ; 22
Chaerophyllum byzantinum; ; ; ; 23
Chamerion angustifolium “Album”; Rosebay willowherb; Geitrams; ; 22
Chelidonium majus Ex-Flore Pleno; Greater celandine; Svaleurt; ; 23 22 21
Chenopodium quinoa “Stephe”; Quinoa; Quinoa; Malvik-line grown since ca 1990; 23
Chrysanthemum (Glebionis) coronarium Miks; Shungiku; Shungiku; kronkrage; ; 22; 21
Cicerbita alpina; Alpine sow-thistle; Turt; ; 23
Cichorium endivia “Pancalieri a Costa Bianca”; Endive; Endiviesalat; ; 22
Cichorium endivia “Indivia scarola verde a Cuore Pieno”; Endive; Endiviesalat; ; 22
Cichorium intybus “Alba”; Chicory; Sikori; ; 23 22
Cichorium intybus “Catalogna Puntarella a Punta Stretta”; Chicory; Sikori; ; 22
Cichorium intybus “Bonda a Grumolo Estivo”; Chicory; Sikori; ; 22
Cichorium intybus “Secosa”; Chicory; Sikori; ; 22
Cichorium intybus “Catalogna di Galatina”; Chicory; Sikori; ; 22
Cichorium intybus “Palla Ross”; Chicory; Sikori; ; 22
Cichorium intybus “Spadona da Taglio”; Chicory; Sikori; ; 22
Cichorium intybus “Primosa”; Chicory; Sikori; ; 22
Cichorium intybus “Variegata di Castelfranco Magdana”; Chicory; Sikori; ; 22
Cichorium intybus “Spadona Verde da Taglio”; Chicory; Sikori; ; 22
Cichorium intybus “Cicoria a cima Brindisina”; Chicory; Sikori; ; 22
Cichorium intybus “Catalogna Gigante di Chioggia”; Chicory; Sikori; ; 23
Cichorium intybus “Soncino”; Root chicory; Rotsikori; ; 23
Cichorium intybus “Mantovana o Cappotta a Foglia Larga (Precoce)”; Chicory; Sikori; ; 21
Cichorium intybus “Witloof CICH 793”; Chicory; Sikori; ; 21
Cichorium intybus “Witloof Extra Vroege Mechelse”; Chicory; Sikori; ; 21
Cirsium canum; Queen Anne’s Thistle; Dronning Annes tistel; ; 23
Cirsium oleraceum; Cabbage thistle; Kåltistel; ; 23
Cirsium pendulum; ; ; ; 22
Cirsium setidens; Gondre; ; ; 23 22
Cirsium tuberosum; Tuberous thistle; Knolltistel; ; 23
Claytonia perfoliata; Miner’s Lettuce; Vinterportulakk; ; 22
Claytonia virginica ; Spring beauty; ; ; 23
Clematis vitalba; Old man’s beard; Tysk klematis; ; 22
Commelina tuberosa; ; ; ; 22
Crambe maritima Miks; Sea kale; Strandkål; ; 22
Cryptotaenia japonica “Atropurpurea”; Mitsuba; Mitsuba; Japansk persille; ; 23
Cryptotaenia japonica Eks “Dosaka Shirogiku”; Mitsuba; Mitsuba; Japansk persille; ; 23
Cucurbita maxima “Green Skin Hokkaido” (IPK MAX503); Squash; Gresskar; ; 22
Digitalis purpurea; Foxglove; Revebjelle; ; 23
Dystaenia takesimina ; Ulleung Giant Celery; Ulleung-kjempeselleri; ; 23 22
Eleutherococcus leucorrhizus; ; ; ; 21
Eleutherococcus nodiflorus; ; ; ; 21
Elsholtzia ciliata; Vietnamese mint; Kammynte; ; 23
Fagopyrum girardii; ; ; ; 21
Fagopyrum tataricum; Wild buckwheat; Vill bokhvete; ; 23
Hablitzia tamnoides Miks; Caucasian spinach; Stjernemelde; ; 23 22
Helianthus tuberosus “Dwarf”; Jerusalem artichoke; Jordskokk; ; 23
Heracleum sibiricum; ; Sibirbjørnekjeks; ; 23
Heracleum sphondylium Ex-Pink flowered; ; Kystbjørnekjeks; ; 23
Hydrophyllum tenuipes; Pacific waterleaf; Stiilehavs-vassblad; ; 23 22
Lactuca sativa var angustana; Celtuce; Bindsalat; ; 22
Laserpitium siler; Laserpicio; Siseleos ; ; ; 23
Lathyrus latifolius; Everlasting Pea; Perennial Sweet Pea; Bredflatbelg; Flerårig blomsterert; 21
Lathyrus sativus; Chickling Pea; Fôrskolm; ; 23
Leonurus cardiaca; Motherwort; Løvehale; ; 21
Lepidium densiflorum; ; ; ; 21
Lepidium graminifolium; ; ; ; 21
Lepidium latifolium; Dittander; Strandkarse; ; 21
Lepidium meyenii; Maca; Maca; ; 21
Lepidium sativum “Burpee’s Curlieress”; Cress; Karse; Burpee’s Curlieress; 23 22
Lepidium sativum “Kandahar Giant Cress”; Cress; Karse; ; 22 21 20
Levisticum officinale; Lovage; Løpstikke; ; 23
Ligularia fischeri ; ; Fischers-nøkketunge; ; 23 21
Ligularia sachalinensis ; ; Sakhalin-nøkketunge; ; 23 22
Lilium martagon Miks; Martagon Lily; Martagon-lije; krøll-lilje; ; 23
Lycopersicon esculentum “42 days”; Tomato; Tomat; ; 22
Lycopus asper; Rough bugleweed; ; ; 21
Lycopus uniflorus; Northern bugleweed; ; ; 21
Malva moschata ; Musk mallow; Moskuskattost; Alba; 23 22 21
Malva verticillata ; Chinese Mallow; Cluster Mallow, Curled Mallow, Large-whorl Mallow ; Kranskattost; ; 22
Malva verticillata var crispa; Curly mallow; Kruskattost; ; 22
Melissa officinalis ; Lemon balm; Sitronmelisse; ; 23 22
Mertensia ciliata ; Mountain Bells; ; ; 23
Meum athamanticum; Spignel meu; Bjørnerot; ; 23
Monarda spp.; ; ; ; 22
Nigella sativa; Black Cumin; Legesvartkarve / Svartfrø; ; 21
Nigella sativa; Black Cumin; Legesvartkarve / Svartfrø; ; 22
Oenanthe jvanica ; Seri; Seri; ; 22
Onopordum acanthium; Cotton Thistle; Esel Tistel; ; 22
Oxalis tuberosa “Yellow”; Oca; Oca; ; 20
Oxalis tuberosa “Red”; Oca; Oca; ; 20
Oxyria digyna; Mountain sorrel; Fjellsyre; ; 23
Parasenecio farfarifolius var bulbifer “Chiri Fu”; ; ; ; 23
Parasenecio hastatus ; ; ; ; 23
Pastanica sativa Miks; Parsnip; Hagepastinakk; ; 23
Pastanica sativa “Gladiator F1”; Parsnip; Hagepastinakk; ; 22
Pastanica sativa “Palace F1”; Parsnip; Hagepastinakk; ; 22
Pastanica sativa “Tender and True”; Parsnip; Hagepastinakk; ; 22
Pastanica sativa “Hollow Crown”; Parsnip; Hagepastinakk; ; 22
Patrinia scabiosiifolia “Korean Form”; ; ; ; 21
Peltaria alliacea; Garlic Cress; Hvitløk-karse; ; 21
Phaseolus vulgaris “Reidars Brune Bønner”; French Bean; Hagebønner; ; 22
Physalis alkekengi “Non-bitter”; Chinese Lantern; Japansk Lykt/Jødekirsebær; ; 23
Physalis peruviana; Goldenberry; Barbadoslykt; Indian Strain; 22
Phyteuma nigra ; Black rampion; Svartvadderot; ; 21
Phyteuma spicatum ; Spiked rampion; Vadderot; ; 23 22
Pisum sativum “Carlin”; Garden pea; Hageert; Carlin ; 22
Pisum sativum “Hurst Green Shaft”; Garden pea; Hageert; Hurst Green Shaft; 22
Pisum sativum “Purple Podded”; Garden pea; Hageert; Purple Podded; 22
Pisum sativum “Alma”; Garden pea; Hageert; Alma (gift from Seed Savers Exchange, SSE 3169); 23
Pisum sativum “Finnish from SSE”; Garden pea; Hageert; Finnish from SSE (Gift from Seed Savers Exchange; PI203064); 23
Pisum sativum “Flamingo Peas”; Garden pea; Hageert; Flamingo Peas (Hodmedods, UK); 22
Plantago major “Atropurpurea”; Greater plantain; Groblad; ; 23
Plantago maritima ; Sea Plantain; Strandkjempe; ; 23
Platycodon grandiflorus “Twinkle Blue”; Balloon flower; Flattklokke; ; 21
Polygonatum bifolium?; American Solomon’s Seal; Amerika-konvall; ; 22
Polygonatum commutatum; Greater Solomon’s Seal; ; ; 23
Polygonum hydropiper; Water pepper; Vasspepper; ; 22
Primula veris; Cowslip; Marianøkleblom; ; 23 22
Primula veris “Hybrids”; Cowslip; Marianøkleblom; ; 23
Prunus sibirica; Siberian apricot; Sibirhegg; ; 21
Prunus tomentosa ; Nanking cherrry; Kirsebærbusk; ; 21
Raphanus sativus convar caudatus; Rat’s tail radish; Rottehalereddik; ; 23
Raphanus sativus convar caudatus; Rat’s tail radish; Rottehalereddik; ; 22
Reichardia picroides; French Scorzonera; ; ; 21
Rheum ribes ; ; ; ; 21
Rubus phoenicolasius; Japanese wineberry; Japansk vinbær; ; 23
Rudbeckia laciniata “Wild form”; Cutleaf Coneflower, The Cutleaf, Goldenglow, Green-headed Coneflower, Tall Coneflower or Thimbleweed; Gjerdesolhatt; ; 20
Rumex acetosa “Russian mix”; Sorrel; Engsyre; ; 23 22 21
Rumex crispa ; Curly mallow; Krushøymole; ; 21
Rumex patientia; Patience dock; Hagesyre; ; 23 22 21
Rumex rugosus; ; ; ; 22
Rumex scutatus Ex-Glauca; French sorrel; Fransk syre; ; 21
Rumex spp; ; ; ; 23
Sagittaria latifolia; Wapato; Wapato; ; 23
Sanguisorba menziesii ; ; ; ; 21
Sanguisorba minor; Salad burnet; Pimpernell; ; 23 21
Scophularia auricata?; Water Figwort; Vassbrunrot; ; 23 22
Secale cereale x montanum “Mountaineer”; Hybrid perennial rye; Hybrid flerårige rug; ; 23
Serratula coronata; ; ; ; 22 21
Serratula tinctoria; ; Jærtistel; ; 22
Sideritis hyssopifolia “IPK SIDE1”; ; ; ; 22
Sideritis hyssopifolia “IPK SIDE3”; ; ; ; 22
Sinapis alba; White mustard; Hvit sennep; ; 23
Sium sisarum Improved; Skirret; Sukkerrot; ; 23
Sonchus oleraceus “Alba”; Common sow thistle; Haredylle; ; 22
Stachys sylvatica; Hedge Woundwort; Skogsvinerot; ; 23 22
Taraxacum acutum; ; ; ; 22
Taraxacum albidum ; White Japanese dandelion; Hvit Japansk løvetann; ; 22
Taraxacum berthal; ; ; ; 22
Taraxacum bracteatum; ; ; ; 22
Taraxacum excellens; ; ; ; 22
Taraxacum euryphyllum; ; ; ; 22
Taraxacum faeroense; ; ; ; 22
Taraxacum fulviforme; ; ; ; 22
Taraxacum glaucinum ; ; ; ; 22
Taraxacum isophyllum; ; ; ; 22
Taraxacum lacistophyllum; ; ; ; 22
Taraxacum leucanthum; ; ; ; 23 22 21
Taraxacum leucopodon; ; ; ; 22
Taraxacum luteum; ; ; ; 22
Taraxacum parnassicum; ; ; ; 22
Taraxacum pseudoroseum; Pink flowered dandelion; Rosaløvetann; ; 23 22 21
Taraxacum retroflexum; ; ; ; 22
Taraxacum rubifolium ; Red-leaved dandelion; Rødbladetløvetann; ; 23 21
Taraxacum scanicum; ; ; ; 22
Taraxacum spp.; ; ; Bergstua Broad leaf; 22
Taraxacum spp.; ; Løvetann kultivar; Thick-leaved; 22
Taraxacum tortilobum; Moss-leaved dandelion; Mosebladetløvetann; ; 23 22
Thalictrum aquilegifolium ; Greater Meadow-Rue; Akeleiefrøstjerne; ; 21
Tigridia pavoniana ; Cacomitl; Tigridia; Cacomitl; Tigridia; ; 23 22 21
Tradescantia virginiana; Spiderwort; Virginia Spiderwort; Vandrejøder; Dagblom; ; 22
Tragopogon balcanicum; ; ; ; 23
Tragopogon coloratus; ; ; ; 23
Trifolium alexandrinum; Egyptian clover; Egyptkløver; ; 22
Trifolium dubium; Lesser trefoil; Musekløver; ; 23 22
Trifolium subterraneum; Subterranean clover ; ; ; 22
Trigonella caerulea; Blue fenugreek; Blå bukkerhornskløver; ; 22
Trigonella foenum-graecum; Fenugreeek; Bukkehornskløver; ; 21
Urtica cannabina; Russian nettle; Russisk nesle; ; 21
Urtica holosericea; ; ; ; 21
Urtica platyphylla; ; ; ; 21
Valeriana officinalis; Common valerian; Vendelrot; ; 23 22
Valerianella locusta; Lamb’s lettuce; Vårsalat; ; 23
Verbascum thapsus; Great Mullein; Filtkongslys; ; 23 21
Vicia faba; Broad bean; Bondebønner; ; 22
Vicia faba “Express” IPK FAB 7066; Broad bean; Bondebønner; ; 22
Vicia faba “Hangdown” IPK FAB 6095; Broad bean; Bondebønner; ; 22
Vicia faba “Expresse zeer Vroege Witkiem”; Broad bean; Bondebønner; ; 22
Vicia narbonensis; ; ; ; 23
Viola “Hiemalis”; ; Stemorsblomst; ; 22

Pea harvest 2023

The garden pea / ert (now Lathyrus oleraceus, was Pisum sativum) is an important source of vegetable protein and can be grown over most of Norway with many heirloom varieties which have been rescued and are maintained across Scandinavia by seed saver organisations such as our own KVANN (Norwegian Seed Savers; kvann.no). 
Over the years, I’ve grown over 90 different varieties and usually some 20 varieties every year, a mix of Scandinavian and UK heirlooms and modern varieities. There are some favourite varieties such as Golden Sweet, Purple Podded, Salmon Flowered, Sugar Snap and Hurst Green Shaft which I grow each year, whilst others are grown less frequently on a roughly 3 year rotation, so that I am maintaining some 40-50 varieties at any one time! I share a few with members of KVANN each year.
The pea harvest and processing for 2023 was completed yesterday: dried first on window sills, then sorted, saving the best peas for seed for the next grow-out and for sharing. I use the remainder mainly for pea soup, pea fritters/felafel and for sprouting for pea shoots. Here’s this year’s pea diversity shown in the pictures: 
Outer ring: Rättviksärt, Mammoth Melting, Big Jumps / Karina, Sugar Magnolia, PI203064 Finsk (gift, rematriated from Seed Savers Exchange), Jærert, Lollandske Rosiner, Herald/Herault, (Middle): Alma, Salmon Flowered, Purple Podded, Golden Sweet, Slikkert fra Våler, Store Holgers Kämpeart, Sugar Snap and Magnum Bonum (Not shown: Brunært fra Nakskov and Svartbjörsbyn).

Organic week in Trøndelag / Økouka i Trøndelag

Last week was National Organic Week (Økouka), a busy week for me as I had two garden tours in my Edible Garden in Malvik (the rain stopped both days just before we started), a walk and talk in the community garden at Væres Venner and a talk at Stammen Cafe & Bar in Trondheim on “Perennial Climate-friendly Food Plants for Urban Areas” talking about 15 advantages of growing perennials! Below you can see pictures from each of the events which were all well attended. I’ve credited the various photographers below. Thanks to all that came along!

1. Garden tour on Wednesday 27th September 

Making the Ø letter for Økouka (picture: Margaret Anderson)

2. Talk at Stammen 

Picture by Margaret Anderson

2. Garden tour on Sunday 1st October

Picture by Margaret Anderson

Pictures by Markus Tacker (click on the album pictures for more information):

Pictures by Marit By (click on the album pictures for more information)::

4. Walk and talk in the Væres Venner Community Garden
Pictures by Marit By (the World Garden looking good in its autumn colours with the backdrop of the old ash trees):



Ringve’s 50th Biodiversity Celebrations

Fantastic day at Ringve Botaniske Hagen’s 50th anniversary garden party for the city. The theme for the day was Biodiversity and Sustainability! KVANN had a stand with a focus on perennial food plants that double as ornamental plants, insect-friendly or bird-friendly. We brought with us a number of such edi-ento-mentals and edi-avi-mentals (insect- or bird-friendly, edible ornamental plants) and many toom home plants or seeds! Eventually, all the flowers attracted biodiversity in the form of two admirals and a number of hoverflies! 
Thanks to all KVANN members and others who visited and helped us, and especially Jurgen Wegter who helped and brought flower meadow seeds from Fagerli Naturgård! 
Thanks also to Vibekke Vange and my colleagues at Ringve!
Pictures by Jurgen Wegter, Stephen Barstow and Meg Anderson!

Grand opening of the Onion Garden

The long delayed (by COVID) opening of the Onion Garden Chicago took place at the Ringve Botanical Gardens in Trondheim on Friday. Here we grow over 400 different Alliums including over 100 botanical species and some 60 old (with a history from 60-980 years; yes the oldest history goes back to 1040!) Norwegian onions.
To officially open the garden, Elise Moltzau Wanderås from the Norwegian Agricultural Authority (LDir) was given Felco garden shears to clip Allium pskemense flowering stems and our new sign was simultaneously revealed (received the day before)!
Thanks to all that donated onions to the collection in my project (2008-2016) funded by the Norwegian Genetic Resource Centre and LDir, to Vibekke Vange and the staff at Ringve who gave me the chance and support to create this garden and make a dream come true, to volunteer Kim Wallace, daughter Hazel and Meg Anderson for help maintaining the garden! Thanks also to KVANN (kvann.no) for support for purchasing seed and bulbs for the garden and support for sending plant material from the garden to members each autumn!
Notice that we used an Alliophone (Allium microphone) under the event 🙂 (patented by Søren Holt of Danish Seed Savers some years ago!):
See over 550 pictures from the garden in my big album here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10156846106840860
Talking abour Allium pskemense with alliophone in hand!
A good crowd of some 50 had found their way to Ringve on a lovely warm evening

Seed sorting for KVANN members

This weekend was my big annual seed pack for members of Norwegian Seed Savers (KVANN, kvann.no). I’m offering some 360 varieties this year and I received orders from 60 members within the time limit, totalling 580 packets. I share my seed nowadays exclusively with KVANN apart from a few trades. Two complete days of packing and I was worn out without leaving my chair apart from a short burst of snow clearing outside. Having done this for over 20 years now, the picture shows I can pack seed without taking my eyes off yesterday’s femmila (50 km cross-country ski race in the world cup). If you get the wrong seed, you now know why ;)
Now time for a ski today!

“Over the top” Flowery Whopper Carrot Salad

I was going to post an album of pictures showing off all the late flowers in the garden this record-breaking mild autumn still without any frost, but as they’re all edible I made a salad instead!
There were 33 different edible flowers (see the list below the pictures) plus 30-40 greens and a whopper carrot which I decided to keep whole as a feature! It was cut up when the salad was tossed afterwards. It has a story too as it is one of the Danish accessions rematriated from Seed Savers Exchange (SSE) in the US last winter. I took a few seed before sending the rest on to Danish Seed Savers (Dansk Frøsamlerne). It’s called Kämpe which means Giant in Swedish/Danish (I call it Whopper as it’s probably the biggest/thickest carrot I¨’ve grown here). It’s not a very old variety and SSE informed that it was a cultivated variety originally from the Swedish seed company Weibulls. Anyone know more about it?
Salad flowers, all harvested from the garden
Salvia (blackcurrant sage / solbærsalvie)
Fuchsia magellanica
Hemerocallis “Stella de Oro”
Taraxacum spp. (dandelion / løvetann)
Rubus fruticosus (blackberry / bjørnebær)
Papaver somniferum (opium poppy / opium valmue)
Viola altaicum
Campanula persicifolia (peach-leaf bellflower / fagerklokke)
Sonchus oleraceus (common sow-thistle / haredylle)
Glebionis coronaria (chopsuey greens / kronkrage) (3 varieties)
Daucus carota (carrot / gulrot) (unopened flower umbel)
Geranium sanguineum (bloody cranesbill / blodstorkenebb)
Brassica oleracea (kale / grønnkål)
Oenothera biennis (evening primrose / nattlys)
Malva moschata (musk mallow / moskuskattost) (white and pink flowered)
Malva alcea (hollyhock mallow / rosekattost)
Monarda fistulosa (wild bergamot / rørhestemynte)
Monarda “Elsie Lavender”
Calendula officinalis (pot marigold / ringblomst (2 varieties)
Campanula trachelium (nettle-leaved bellflower / nesleklokke)
Calamintha nepeta (lesser calamint / liten kalamint)
Tropaeolum majus (nasturtium / vanlig blomkarse) (2 varieties)
Pisum sativum (garden pea / ert)
Origanum spp. (wild marjoram / bergmynte) (2 varieties)
Campanula lactiflora
Alcea rosea (hollyhock / stokkrose)
Tragopogon pratensis (Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon / geitskjegg)

Twisted-leaf garlic for lunch

I’d sent a few bulbs of twisted-leaf garlic (Allium obliquum)  to members of Norwegian Seed Savers’ (KVANN) guild for Alliums and had a few left overover, so I fried them up for lunch and ate them with cheese on toast. A delicious sweetish taste after heating in olive oil. The onions are also a good size! This was one of the 80 in my book Around the World in 80 plants!