Happy Dandy Lions forced in the living room, glad to have been invited into the warmth. Little do they know though that I had a cruel plan to put them into last night’s quiche!
Quiche is one of some 20 generic dishes I’ve evolved over the years for using perennial veg as there are no recipes for the veggies I grow. As always, we use coarse whole grain flour (organic emmer wheat and svedje rye flour). We also used forced Allium senescens onions and leeks and swiss chard from cold storage in the cellar as well as garlic and rehydrated winter chantarelles. Super tasty and healthy!
The greens that went into last night’s wholegrain spelt quiche are listed below the picture! CELLAR: Dystaenia takesimana shoots; Forced hogweed (bjørnekjeks) shoots (Heracleum spp.); Forced Taraxacum (dandelion / løvetann); nederst til høyre: Witloof chicory (sikkori); øverst til høyre: swiss chard (mangold) GARDEN: Various hybrid onions (Allium senescens x nutans) and Hablitzia tamnoides (Caucasian spinach / stjernemelde)
I’m often asked what I do with all my winter perennial shoots and other stored vegetables! One favourite is a vegetarian quiche (eggepai). Easy to make and it lasts 2-3 days!
Perennial vegetables, Edimentals (plants that are edible and ornamental) and other goings on in The Edible Garden