Terje Visnes’ salad photo on show!

Last week, I blogged about the opening of an exhibition in Trondheim by a photographer Terje Visnes who must have taken thousands of pictures for the local newspaper Adresseavisen over the years. He had taken pictures of one of my salads  two years ago: 

I was chuffed then that he should choose one of the pictures taken that day for the exhibition and, naturally, had to go along and see it for myself! I visited unnanounced today and, to my surprise, Terje had also popped in, so there was an opportunity for a photo and a chat…and it turned out that Ingrid who runs the gallery knows my artist daughter….

The exhibition was nicely put together and the key to the salad ingredient picture (see the following link: https://www.thinglink.com/scene/536181539210264576) was made available to visitors and was apparently quite popular – you can look at the picture and guess what the vegetables are and check afterwards their identity! And of course there are several other great pictures that Terje has taken over the years on show!!

That photo shoot in my garden turned out to be an expensive day…as I just had to have one of the few copies that are being sold :) If you’re into vegetable diversity art, you’ll have to be quick to get one of the remaining pictures!! Perfect for better restaurants!

Location: RAMM Rammeverksted, Haldens gt. 1, Trondheim  (http://www.trondheimramm.no)

Terje Visnes and his great photo of my salad ingredients! The frame and the use of the Enviromesh netting was a spur of the moment decision! He found both just lying around in my garden!
Ingrid Oliv Olava Sørgjerd who runs RAMM gallery and picture frame workshop in Trondheim, where Terje Visnes’ exhibition is running to the end of November!



3 Basellaceae for Xmas dinner

For Xmas dinner 2007, I made nut roast with roast vegetables including two members of the Basellaceae family (known as the Madeira vine family).  It contains the following genus:  Anredera, Basella, Ullucus and plantlist.org also assigns Tournonia hookeriana (previously Basella) to the same family.

Roast green Ulluco with Madeira vine (at the back) and potatoes and Basella greens!

I also cooked some Basella alba (malabar or ceylon spinach) greens to serve with the dinner.

Is this the only time all 3 main members of the Basellaceae have been served together? ;)
