Tag Archives: Oslo Botanical Garden

Oslo Allium Raid

My new life is as a “visiting onion researcher” at the Ringve Botanical Gardens in Trondheim where I’m developing an Allium garden to be officially opened later in the summer! One of the perks is to have access to collections in other botanical gardens on an exchange basis. I visited the Oslo Botanical Gardens last week  (June 2019) and I was given a spade and given permission to take a few of whatever onions I wanted! Not having accession data available I took a few of most onions I found. On the way out of the gardens with bags of onions and rucksack with various Allium victorialis sticking out of the top, a couple approached me and the man says “Det var en god fangst!” (That’s a good catch!) ;)
I now have the accession data and am sorting out which ones are interesting enough to keep!
I’ve also promised to correct some of the mistakes as several were clearly wrongly labelled!
12th June: Added pictures of a few more edibles!

Oslo Botanical Garden, Tøyen, spring edibles

On a break in my journey from Trondheim to Hvaler I had a few hours edible-spotting in the Oslo Botanical Garden (full of – not allowed to pick – food at this time of year) ;)
NB! Not all plants shown here are edible!
I’ll add captions later!

Korsmo’s Dandelion Print

I asked most people for a donation for disaster relief for a Xmas present, but when I visited the botanical garden in Oslo in the autumn with my daughter (see http://www.edimentals.com/blog/?p=14674), she saw my eyes light up at this fantastic original print of dandelions in all their beauty from a series of drawings by weed artist and agrobotanist Emil Korsmo in the 1930s!
Norsk Hydro had financed the printing of the drawings in the 1930s in Leipzig. During World War II, the original plates were destroyed in a bomb attack. It is therefore not possible to print more.
Once in the 1990s, Norsk Hydro decided to dispose of the original prints they still had in store. Fortunately, a small group of employees were allowed to take them over and they have been stored in a barn until now. The natural history museum in Oslo have now been allowed to sell them in their shop…and, YES, I got that dandelion print for Xmas and it’s now hanging proudly on my wall! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Hazel


Visit to the Botanics in Oslo

A few pictures from a short lunch time visit to the Oslo Botanical Garden at Tøyen this week with my little girl!

Plant sale at the botanical garden in Oslo

KVANN/ Norwegian Seed Savers will have a stand and be selling plants at this year’s “Vårtreff” on 28th May at Oslo’s Botanical Garden (Tøyen)
(see http://foreninger.uio.no/botaniskhagesvenner/arrangementer/2017/vartreff-2016.html)
Steering committee member Andrew McMillion will be there to tell you more about our organisation and you’ll be able to buy a number of interesting edible plants such as the fantastic perennial vegetable that all are talking about Hablitzia / Caucasian Spinach (stjernemelde). We have VIPPS! :)
This document describes the plants Andrew will have with him:

Download (PDF, 2.09MB)

Join KVANN here: http://www.norwegianseedsavers.no/bli-medlem/