Tag Archives: Elderberry

Waxwings everywhere

Part of the biggest flock of waxwings (sidensvans) in the garden today, around 350 birds!….seriously distracted all day by these photogenic arctic “parrots”! Feeding on yew (barlind), hawthorn (hagtorn), elderberries (svarthyll) and guelder rose (krossved) berries…

1. Waxwings in flight

2.  Waxwings on the yew tree by the kitchen window

3. Waxwings on yew berries in the neighbour’s garden

4. Waxwings and sunrise

5. In this film you can hear waxwing poop falling to the ground…I thought it was raining!

Elderberries are ripe

Sambucus nigra “Samyl” is a new Danish variety of elderberry / svarthyll. It is very productive, the earliest elderberry I’ve grown (they are marginal here), hardy and it has large berries and large umbels of flowers…
I’ll be offering hardwood cuttings to members of Norwegian Seed Savers (Kvann) this winter (to be a member go to http://kvann.org and click on “Bli medlem”!
See  also earlier posts on my web site here:


Waxwings on elderberry

Garden pictures 24th-25th September 2016

A collection of pictures from last weekend in the garden!


Berries 17th October 2015

Sambucus nigra cultivars “Samyl” and “Samnor” – Ripe elderberries were impossible here until these new Danish cultivars arrived…ripe even in a bad summer!

Otherwise: Aralia cordata (Udo) and Aralia californica berries ready to harvest for trading seed…..

Sambucus nigra “Samyl”

Aralia cordata, Udo

Aralia californica

Sambucus nigra “Samnor”

Aralia cordata has collapsed under its own weight next to Ostrich Fern