Category Archives: Events

Events in 2019 with the Extreme Salad Man!

I’ve just updated my list of events for 2019 on my main events page,
Hope to see some of you at one of these events!

19th February  Malvik Rotary, Norway

Sat 2nd March  East Anglian Garden Group. Chamberlin Hall: Bildeston village hall, Chamberlin Close, Wattisham Road, Bildeston, Ipswich, Suffolk, England  14-17

Mon 11th March  Plant Heritage, Surrey (St. Andrew’s Church Hall, Cobham, England)  19:30-—Edible-ornamentals-by-Stephen-Barstow.aspx

26th-28th April   Bornholm, Denmark (details to be confirmed)

3rd -5th May   Annual meeting of Norwegian Seed Savers in Trondheim, Norway

1st– 2nd June  Lom (Aukrust Gard), Norway (details to be confirmed)

5th June   Besøkssenter, Ytre Hvaler Nasjonalpark, Skjærhalden, Norway (talk followed by a  walk on one of the islands looking for edibles)

22nd – 23rd June Hurdal, Norway (to be confirmed)

28th-30th June Dharma Mountain, Hedal, Norway (to be confirmed)

14th August   Opening of the new Allium garden at the Ringve Botanical Garden in Trondheim, Norway (details later)

27th-29th September  Mid-West Wild Harvest Festival (Keynote plus two talks); and

22nd October Fet Hagelag, Norway (to be confirmed)

Perennialen IV

The 4th Perennialen was the shortest yet, a short visit to Eirik and Hege’s wonderful  place and LAND centre at Alvastien in Hardanger after the Nordic Permaculture Festival in Jondal!  This year’s participants were Eirik and Hege, Meg, Karoline from Myrrhis in Denmark, Julia Sol and LAND coordinator Helene Bøhler!
Next year will be the 5th Perennialen and we will be inviting you to a road trip around great permaculture sites of Hordaland and Hardanger in May, so watch this space!


Final programme for Mount Stewart

I’m travelling today towards Northern Ireland where Edimentals is taking part in the BBC Radio 4 Gardener’s Question Time Summer Party at Mount Stewart (one of two visits there this year!). Enclosed is the programme. The lunchtime event with me is  a talk (in the Sunk) and in the afternoon I’m doing a walk and talk to forage the garden’s edibles for some gourmet concoction to be prepared by one of NI’s leading chefs.

Download (PDF, 372KB)