Tag Archives: Tautra

Trøndersk geirlauk: tilbake etter 1000 år på Island

English: This is the Norwegian version of the story I published in my book Around the World in 80 plants about a wild onion (Allium oleraceum) that was taken to Iceland and returned almost 1,000 years later).
Dette er historien om en viltvoksende løk, som kanskje er utgangspunkt for det engelske ordet garlic, som ble tatt til Island for snart 1000 år siden av en engelsk biskop og kom tilbake til Trøndelag til en annen engelskmann som jobbet med løk! Idag er denne løken å finne i den nye løkhagen på NTNU Ringve Botaniske Hagen i Trondheim ved siden av kanskje samme løk som ikke vandret til Island. Denne historien fortalte jeg om i min bok Around the World in 80 plants (se  https://www.edimentals.com/blog/?page_id=30).  En norsk artikkel er dessverre ikke lenge tilgjengelig på nettet. Artikkelen som kan leses nedenfor er tatt fra en større intern rapport fra en flerårig prosjekt “Innsamling og kartlegging av gamle matløk” som undertegnede gjennomførte, finansiert av Genressurssenteret.

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Jan Lein, northernmost Asparagus pioneer

I was saddened to see in yesterday’s Adressa (local paper) that Trøndelags grand old asparagus farmer has died ☹

As part of my project  for the Norwegian Genetic Resource Centre documenting and collecting old Norwegian vegetables, I received a tip about a retired farmer, Jan Lein, who had supposedly grown asparagus commercially on Tautra (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tautra), a historic island which I can just see from my house on the other side of the Trondheimsfjorden. The fact that the island is surrounded by relatively warm water in winter makes for a mild climate and early spring. The island and surrounding area is known as Trondheim’s vegetable garden!


I called Lein and agreed to meet him at his house on 17th October 2010. I met a really nice man who was proud of his pioneering work with asparagus on Tautra which he believed started in the early 1960s. He told me that he even grew organically with seaweed as fertiliser and he grew white asparagus by mounding the plants with earth. In his house, there were a number of pictures on the walls of his vegetables, including asparagus! The plants themselves derived from seed bought from Leuthens Seed Catalogue in Trondheim. He sold on the market in Trondheim for a number of years until his local production was outcompeted by imported asparagus ☹ Her grew about 12-13 different vegetables at that time!

Jan showed me this plant nearby which was one of the original plants

RIP Jan Lein, the northernmost Asparagus grower in the world?
The pictures below were photographed on his wall: