Workshops with the extreme salad man in Iceland in early September!

Two workshops in Iceland on my way back from the US…!!

5th September – 1pm to 5pm Sal Garðyrkjufélags Íslands, Síðumúla 1, Reykjvaík “Ætar plöntur með Stephen Barstow – Námskeið Sumarhússins og garðsins (Edible plants with Stephen Barstow)” See

7th September – 10:00am to 4pm – Hlíðardalsskóli, Iceland. Workshop on “Plants worthy of trying out in Iceland” and

Japanese woodlanders

Shidoke, see I got this one under the synonym name Cacalia delphiniifolia!
Patrinia triloba v. takeuchiana
Patrinia triloba v. takeuchiana


Parasenecio maximowiczianus Arve Elvebakk presented me with this plant as a thank you after my gudied tour of the Tromsø Botanics earlier in the summer smile emoticon He managed the botanical name without faltering!

I love these weird and wonderful hard to get woodlanders from Japan and elsewhere in the Far East, many of which are edible. Here are three that are currently flowering! I have yet to try them though…