Tag Archives: John Philips

Appearance at Hellens Garden Festival in Much Marcle

Announcement of my appearance at the Hellens Garden Festival in a place with the unlikely name of Much Marcle on 12th June :) Really looking forward to it!!
Apparently, I was introduced to this place when I was a youth,being inspired by Gilbert White’s Natural History of Selbourne as according to the Wikipedia page on the village:
“About three miles north-north west of the village, on the eastern face of Marcle Ridge, a massive landslip, estimated at 60,000 cubic metres, took place over three days starting on 17 February 1575. Named “the Wonder”, it was so large that full-grown trees were carried down the slope onto an adjoining property. In his book The Natural History of Selborne, Gilbert White (1720–93) quotes the words of John Philips who wrote:
“I nor advise, nor reprehend the choice
Of Marcley Hill; the apple nowhere finds
A kinder mould; yet ’tis unsafe to trust
Deceitful ground; who knows but that once more
This mount may journey, and his present site
Forsaken, to thy neighbour’s bounds transfer
Thy goodly plants, affording matter strange
For law debates!”
A good place to have a garden then….disaster doesn’t strike twice etc…