Tag Archives: Fosen Folkehøgskole

Garden visits with Fosen students

It’s always a pleasure to spend time with students from the Fosen Folk High School from the other side of the fjord. Despite the dreadful weather, we visited all 3 of my sites – the onion garden Chicago at the Ringve Botanical Gardens followed by the Væres Venners Community Garden and, finally, my own garden The Edible Garden (this is the first time I’ve taken a group to all 3 sites!).
Those that took part were two of the “lines”: The Self-sufficiency line and the  The Organic Farming line (small scale).
The Organic Farming line were only on the first two visits, so the picture only shows the Self-sufficiency folk!

The Extreme Salad Man at 15!

Last week 15 years ago, the extreme salad man was created…and he is upset that Facebook completely missed this event…so let’s make up for it in this thread, please leave your gree(n)tings :)
Ably supported by this week’s garden helper Josefine Marie Dichmann from Odense in Denmark, and another of a stream of quality ex-students from Fosen Folkehøgskole, a salad of some 140 ingredients was put together in about an hour last night with marigold petals forming ESM’s age!

Link to the 2001 salad recipe:

Rejection letter from Guinness :)