Not sure what to call the first sunrise of the year, but as long as there are no clouds it happens on 11th January every year here. I’m usually first alerted to this event by this shadowy character on the wall (video) who hasn’t appeared for 5-6 weeks! What the hell’s that I think…
…and today, the sun actually rose (visibly) for the first time this year. Here’s a series taken between 9:45 and 11:10. It’s now (11:40) set again behind the southern hills.
I noticed this morning sun shadows on the wall behind my back in the living room! YES, the sun is back. A whole week of cloudy weather after the sun was due to rise again above the southern horizon, so it wasn¨’t until today we could finally be sure that the sun was back, but there was only a small break in the clouds and it was soon gone again. However, spring is definitely in the air and two great tits (kjøttmeis) have been singing in the garden the last two days and a blue tit (blåmeis) joined them a couple of times! Good times!
An unusual combination of red skies and a rainbow over Forbordsfjellet as the sun set last night just after the last visitors on the year’s last official garden tour had left…the grand finale!
Apologies to all who contacted me wondering if I was alright as I hadn’t posted for a month! No alarm…I’ve been very focussed on writing a series of 10 articles on perennial vegetables, completed earlier this week! Finally, we could “bask” in sunshine again this morning after a few days of overcast and snow meant that we wouldn’t witness the return of the sun (due around 10th January). It doesn’t rise above the southern hills for 4-5 weeks here….a great time of the year as we get several hours of red skies each day. The firs(t) of many sunrises in 2021: The sun’s rays reflecting from Malvikodden: Fully risen through trees in the garden: A few pictures from when we were in the midwinter tunnel (aircraft contrails have been an unusual site):