Enhanced udo salad

…..and adding a few other things to the one species udo and American spikenard salads (Aralia cordata and Aralia racemosa) and this was the result, the summer’s first extreme salad, on the anniversary of the filming of the extreme salad youtube videos (“B” in the following link!) http://www.edimentals.com/blog/?p=16712

American Spikenard salad

Last night, I tried American spikenard (American Udo) or Aralia racemosa for the first time! Although Aralia cordata (Japanese Udo) had a hint of bitterness after blanching, the spikenard was mild with no bitterness…a bit like cucumber was my guest’s comment 
NB! The spikenard was more thoroughly blanched than the udo, so not a reliable comparison!

Peeled and sliced American spikenard shoots

As with yesterday’s udo salad, I simply added a dressing of roasted sesame oil, salt and pepper! Delicious!

American spikenard to the left and Japanese udo to the right!