We’ve opened the garden many times over the last 25 years as part of Økouka (organics week) and before that as part of Økologisk Hagebrukskampanjen (the organic gardening campaign). Last night (18th September 2024) was the first of two garden tours in my Edible (Forest) Garden this week and once again a great group of folk had signed up. In addition, Beatrice from NIBIO took part to make a short film with focus on soil as part of the EU project Prepsoil. There’s still a few places left on the second tour on Saturday at 11 and there will also be a garden tour at my main focus at the moment, the Væres Venners Felleshagen (community garden) at Ranheim on Sunday at 1400 (just come along if interested). All tours are in Norwegian with English plant names if necessary.
Plant sale, perennial vegetables including many Alliums!
Norwegian: I september 2012 besøkte jeg Grimstad for å snakke om min bok Around the World in 80 plants som snart skulle se dagens lys! Jeg holdt et foredrag for Grimstad bys museum og Aust-Agder sopp- og nyttevekstforening. Jeg ble også invitert til Bioforsk Landvik hvor Åsmund Asdal fra genressursenteret hadde et kontor. Jeg hadde samarbeidet med Åsmund over flere år som leder av Planteklubben for Grønnsaker (Norwegian Seed Savers). Jeg ga en kort foredrag for staben etterfulgt av en tur på forsøksarealene for å se førstehånd flere av klonsamlingene som Planteklubben mottok materiale fra hvert år!
English:In September 2012, I visited Grimstad in the south of Norway to give a talk about my soon to be published book Around the World in 80 plants to Grimstad bys museer and Aust-Agder sopp- og nyttevekstforening (the museum and local group of the Norwegian Useful Plants Society). I was also invited to nearby Bioforsk Landvik where Åsmund Asdal of the Norwegian Genetic Resource Centre had an office. I had collaborated with Åsmund over a number of years as leader of Norwegian Seed Savers (Planteklubben for Grønnsaker). I gave a short afternoon talk to the staff followed by a tour of the grounds to see first hand several of the clonal collections that Planteklubben received material from each year!
Perennial vegetables, Edimentals (plants that are edible and ornamental) and other goings on in The Edible Garden