Resonating with asparagus in Oslo…..







Just before the start of my first course for MAJOBO on Tuesday, I decided to change my first picture to something of local relevance! This is Oslo’s oldest asparagus bed, perhaps as old as 100 years as explained in the following article!

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In another one of these resonant moments, who should be amongst the 20 participants than the owner of this very garden, Lars Mjøset :) He walked in just after I took this picture!

Hablitzia running rampant

Having breakfast this morning, I noticed this Hablitzia (Caucasian Spinach) flowering shoot peeping in the window at me, as if to say “Look what I’m doing”…
This plant has seeded itself from my original plant seen in the background in the second picture and is busily climbing up and smothering a grape (Vitis coignetiae)!

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Allium victorialis diversity

Brynhild Mørkved has over the years collected forms of Allium victorialis from over it’s range – the Alps, Caucasus, Japan and the Kola peninsula in North West Russia. The main reason has been to try and determine where the naturalised populations in the Lofoten Islands originate as this isn’t a native plant in Norway.  I tell the story of the Lofoten victory onions in full in my book Around the World in 80 plants

Allium ochotense (a synonym for A. victorialis from the Far East)
Allium victorialis from Kola is by the far the earliest to flower, also in my garden
Demonstrating the diversity of forms of Allium victorialis


Perennial vegetables, Edimentals (plants that are edible and ornamental) and other goings on in The Edible Garden