My way of sharing FUN – write about it!!!

Thanks very much to Joan Lambert Bailey for the nice remarks and great review! Yes, you’re absolutely right when you say “I am convinced this book is his way of sharing the fun” :) :) :)

Must check out your blog….never been to Japan and had planned to make the trip this spring but it wasn’t to be, highest on my places to visit….next spring :)

The new Edimentals seed trade list for 2014-2015


Welcome to my new seed trade list for 2014-15.

12, 13 and 14 in brackets indicates the harvesting year for the seed. Concerning seed quantity: as I don’t have many plants of each species, seed quantity is limited in most cases. Therefore, for some species you may only get a few seeds. Many species are harvested in my garden. Others are surplus from trade and purchase. OUT: Means out of stock.

Sometimes I sell surplus seed (if time allows), although Continue reading The new Edimentals seed trade list for 2014-2015

Shoreditch Radio Interview on Around the World!

An Interview with the Extreme Salad Man Stephen Barstow at on Sunday 18 January at 20:00 UTC

This is an interview I did in London with London Permaculture’s Stefan Geyer when I was in the UK on 12th December!

If you miss the broadcast, you can listen at your leisure by going to



Book review in the North Devon Journal

“Stephen Barstow is to edible plants what Robson Green is to fishing!”

Well, I hadn’t heard of Robson Green before and I’m sure Green hasn’t heard of me before either….but this is a nice review (they’ve all been nice so far!!)  on my “APPETISING 80” !! Thanks Graham Andrews!!

….and my gaze went to the pictures on the right hand side of the page where 4 of the 6 are of edimentals…Urospermum is actually mentioned on p. 58 of the book (a wild foraged leafy green in the Mediterranean which I grow, but quite bitter to our modern palate), Papaver (seeds), Meconopsis (oil from seeds) and Anthriscus Golden Fleece has been on my wish list for some time…

Gardening page jan 15th 2015

From the vaults: my Edible and Useful Plant Seed Trade List from 2000!

14 years ago and my seed list had some 1,000 entries and I even added a usage code (from Plants for a Future)………

Edible and Useful Plant Seed Trade List
for November 2000 to October 2001

About the Garden: Most of the seed offered is collected in my own garden here on the edge of the Trondheimsfjord at close to
64 deg. N an area of extreme climatic variability. The grass can be green on 1st January and snow might lie for a short while on
1st June. We talk about having two seasons – the green and the white winter. It is, however, surprisingly mild for the latitude. A
remarkable number of species survive the winter (or should I say summer) and seem to thrive. However, a number of the plants
are grown in pots and are moved in to a cold cellar (temperature just above zero in mid-winter) in the winter without extra

The garden is one of a network of organically run gardens in Norway and can be visited by agreement. We are just at the end of
our 17th season here. We use no input apart from compost, an important ingredient of which is seaweed which we collect every
spring.. We grow a wide range of vegetables many of which are not commonly grown here (e.g., Runner Beans, Broad Beans, Continue reading From the vaults: my Edible and Useful Plant Seed Trade List from 2000!

Wild buckwheat sprouts

My favourite seed to sprout in winter is wild buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum), supposedly the wild ancestor of Fagopyrum esculentum the common buckwheat grown for the gluten free grain. I sow it repeatedly in large pots in earth on the window sill in the leaving room. The plants self-sow on my vegetable beds and each plant produces a lot of seed, so i just leave a few to grow and collect all the seed I need.  Harvested some sprouts for lunch today:


Perennial vegetables, Edimentals (plants that are edible and ornamental) and other goings on in The Edible Garden