Tag Archives: Vårtreff

Plant sale at the botanical garden in Oslo

KVANN/ Norwegian Seed Savers will have a stand and be selling plants at this year’s “Vårtreff” on 28th May at Oslo’s Botanical Garden (Tøyen)
(see http://foreninger.uio.no/botaniskhagesvenner/arrangementer/2017/vartreff-2016.html)
Steering committee member Andrew McMillion will be there to tell you more about our organisation and you’ll be able to buy a number of interesting edible plants such as the fantastic perennial vegetable that all are talking about Hablitzia / Caucasian Spinach (stjernemelde). We have VIPPS! :)
This document describes the plants Andrew will have with him:

Download (PDF, 2.09MB)

Join KVANN here: http://www.norwegianseedsavers.no/bli-medlem/