Fjord views, Foraging 11 pm beach forage! July 6, 2016 Stephen Barstow Leave a comment A few more pictures from my beach forage with Daina Binde around 11 pm on 4th July 2016! Daina Binde from Latvia Daina Binde from Latvia Plantago media Lady’s Bedstraw Purple saxifrage, Saxifraga oppositifolia Tripolium vulgare (Aster tripolium) with Glaux maritima and bladder wrack A single orach (Atriplex spp.) was growing much further down the beach than normal! Tripolium vulgare (Aster tripolium) with Glaux maritima and bladder wrack Triglochin maritima I’ve never seen such a large silverweed / gåsemure here. Mental note to check it out later in the season! In the deep shade of a boathouse, sycamore seedlings and cleavers (klengemaure) The redible house on the hill!