Tag Archives: Aster tripolium

Norwegian articles on edible halophytes and biosaline agriculture

Here are scans of two articles I wrote published in 2004 (in Norwegian) in Våre Nyttevekster. The first one is about great edible salt tolerant plants (halophytes) such as Tripolium vulgare (syn. Aster tripolium), Sea kale (Crambe maritima) and Beta maritima (sea beet), articles that were later expanded in my book Around the World in 80 plants!
For various reasons large areas of conventional agricultural land around the world are becoming too salty to grow conventional crops due to intensive cultivation with irrigation leading to salt build up in the soil. In places like the Netherlands coastal agricultural land is impacted by salt water from the sea. One can either try to breed increased resistence to salt in conventional crops or develop non-conventional crops based on wild species that naturally tolerate high levels of salt, so-called halophytes.

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Day 1 of Naturplanteskolen’s Malvik visit

Some pictures from Saturday 16th July in my garden and forage on the shoreline below the house!



11 pm beach forage!

A few more pictures from my beach forage with Daina Binde around 11 pm on 4th July 2016!

Permaveggies course 2016 Day 2

Despite the very wet and cold start to the day, it was a fun day in my garden, kitchen and foraging along the shoreline with a great bunch of permaveggie lovers! Thanks to all for helping out and particularly my helper Lorna for all her help this week bringing the garden and house up to shape!!

Dante Hellström​ and the salad!!
8 wonderful ladies in my kitchen :) It’s obvious why I organise these courses :)
Salad ingredient list
Another wonderful group of course participants plus special guests Christian Odberger​ and Dante Hellström​ from Sweden
Sampling beach edibles Aster tripolium, Triglochin maritima and Plantago maritima which all grow together here!
Christian Odberger was the first to try my home produced sugar cane :)
Christian Odberger was the first to try my home produced sugar cane :)

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