Shungiku Soba

I have a special fascination for vegetables that are superstars in one part of the world but hardly known in others and one of those is garland chrysanthemum or crown daisy (Glebionis coronaria / Chrysanthemum coronarium) a wild and extremely common herb of early spring in Mediterranean countries, often growing in large quantities, and commonly available … Continue reading Shungiku Soba

Shungiku article

10 years ago, I wrote an article for the Norwegian herb magazine “Ren Mat” about Shungiku, a very popular Japanese vegetable  known as Chopsuey Greens  (Glebionis coronaria syn. Chrysanthemum coronarium). This was written in response to an article by editor Ella Sandnes from a stay in Malta in the early spring.  She included a picture of a … Continue reading Shungiku article

Plant list for The World Garden

I’ve shared my list of plants that I’ve planted in Trondheim’s World Garden to a few people who’ve asked and now it’s available to anyone who is curious (follow the link). The World Garden (Verdenshagen) is a garden I’ve created, starting in 2017, to show off the diversity of perennial vegetables, essentially my book Around … Continue reading Plant list for The World Garden


Added a few on 120124 (search for NEW)Welcome to my new seed trade list for 2024-2522, 23, 24 indicate the harvesting year for the seed. Concerning seed quantity: as I don’t have many plants of each species, seed quantity is limited in most cases. Therefore, for some species you may only get a few seeds. … Continue reading THE NEW EDIMENTALS SEED LIST FOR 2024-2025

Asteraceae: valuable autumn flowering edientomentals!

When giving talks I like to renew myself and talk about something different each time. For my talk in Copenhagen at the Future Heirloom event last weekend I focussed during part of my presentation on edimentals in the Asteraceae or Compositae (the aster or daisy family / kurvplantefamilien). These are tbe edible perennial vegetables that … Continue reading Asteraceae: valuable autumn flowering edientomentals!

78th Birthday Party Salad

In connection with my daughter Hazel’s birthday yesterday, she wanted me to make a salad for her and her friends she’d invited for dinner, so no birthday cake, it was a birthday salad with candle, and 78 ingredients was the plan! 78? Well, it was a double celebration as this week was also 40 years … Continue reading 78th Birthday Party Salad

The Balcony in the rain

Wonderful rain on the balcony (aka zone 0.5) with oca (Oxalis tuberosa), 9 varieties of lettuce (salat), tomato “42 days” , dill, coriander, toothache pant (Spilanthes), shungiku / kronkrage and lots of celery (around the corner). The large bucket in the corner contains burdock providing seed fot goldfinches (stillits) and greenfinches (grønnfink) in winter (a … Continue reading The Balcony in the rain


Welcome to my new seed trade list for 2023-2421, 22, 23 indicate the harvesting year for the seed. Concerning seed quantity: as I don’t have many plants of each species, seed quantity is limited in most cases. Therefore, for some species you may only get a few seeds. Many species are harvested in my garden. … Continue reading THE NEW EDIMENTALS SEED TRADE LIST FOR 2023-2024

Unusual October veg

A few unusual vegetables this October from the Edible Garden and House:1. I’ve been trialling around 20 different chicories this year from seed from the German seed bank IPK Gatersleben. This is one of the best producers, Sugar Loaf (Accession CICH 350) which ended up in yesterday’s Basella and Chicory pizza! I remember years ago … Continue reading Unusual October veg

Mallows in season #2

…and my second best mallow is the hollyhock mallow or greater musk mallow / rosekattost  (Malva alcea), hardy and reliably perennial, here with perennial kale “Daubenton”, flower buds and stems of Scorzonera hispanica, Johannes’ shallot (Allium x cornutum; see and annual chopsuey greens or shungiku (Glebionis coronaria, formerly Chrysanthemum coronarium).