I introduced you to a Korean woman, Misoni Sandvik, in my recent post about Aster scaber: http://www.edimentals.com/blog/?page_id=3103. She helped me to order Ligularia fischeri which I found in the same on-line vegetable catalogue as Aster scaber. This species would certainly have been included in my book had I known what a great, productive perennial vegetable … Continue reading Ligularia fischeri, king of the sannamul →
This was an unscheduled course day for me, my helper Lorna and Berit the camper, as it was a national holiday in Norway and Christian Odberger gave us a short course in grafting and I now have 6 or so new varieties of apples on a seed propagated apple. See also http://www.edimentals.com/blog/?p=4627 … Continue reading Day 4 of the Permaveggies course and Ligularia wraps! →
When giving talks I like to renew myself and talk about something different each time. For my talk in Copenhagen at the Future Heirloom event last weekend I focussed during part of my presentation on edimentals in the Asteraceae or Compositae (the aster or daisy family / kurvplantefamilien). These are tbe edible perennial vegetables that … Continue reading Asteraceae: valuable autumn flowering edientomentals! →
To celebrate 40 years since I and my then wife Eileen bought Bergstua (literally house on the rock) and the garden that became The Edible (Forest) Garden, I endeavoured during the second of the two garden tours (as part of økouka – organics week) to talk about 40 of the plants in the garden during … Continue reading Around the garden in 40 plants →
After yesterday’s video post about the snow onion (Allium humile) I had to make a snow onion lunchtime salad, so here it is; see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mOcQ4aUQVIIngredients below the pictures. Allium humile (snow onion; snøløk)Crambe maritima (sea kale; strandkål)Primula veris (cowslip; marianøkleblom); 2 varietiesAllium paradoxum var paradoxum (few-flowered leek); bulbils (NB! DON’T PLANT AS IT IS VERY … Continue reading Snow onion salad →
A video tour on my youtube channel showing what’s emerging in The World Garden (Verdenshagen) at the Væres Venner Community Garden in Ranheim, Trondheim, Norway on 7th May 2024. I’ve planted some 160 perennial vegetables here (including mostfrom my book Around the World in 80 plants – signed copies can be ordered from me). The … Continue reading A video tour of the World Garden →
We’re experiencing a bit of a heat wave here at the moment with high pressure, clear skies and temperatures close to 20C. The growth of my perennial veg is extraodinary for the time of year. I made this salad for lunch with a little of everything I found in a 5-10 minute garden forage with … Continue reading Lunchtime 2nd May Salad →
Welcome to my new seed trade list for 2023-2421, 22, 23 indicate the harvesting year for the seed. Concerning seed quantity: as I don’t have many plants of each species, seed quantity is limited in most cases. Therefore, for some species you may only get a few seeds. Many species are harvested in my garden. … Continue reading THE NEW EDIMENTALS SEED TRADE LIST FOR 2023-2024 →
Being the focus of an art installation wasn’t something I ever imagined, but since February an installation has been exhibited at the Trondheim Art Museum Gråmølna based on my January winter vegetables and very nicely put together it was too, by a group of international artists working on the Meatigation (get it?) project through the … Continue reading Unpacking the Edimentals Herbarium →
My dad Harald George Barstow (HGB) sadly passed away on 7th June at 97. A few days later on 11th June I’d scheduled a long-awaited visit from my friend Helene von Bothmer, the Koster Islands Permaculture Queen accompanied by participants on a one day permaculture course on Katy Chada’s farm (I had twice visited Koster … Continue reading Salad for HGB and HvB →