Perennial pizza

Last night’s pizza, perennials apart from Atriplex hortensis “Rubra”; including sea kale broccolis, perennial kales, Allium nutans, sorrel, Malva moschata, Anise hyssop, nettles etc.
Pizza med strandkål brokkolier, flerårige kål, nesle, Allium nutans, surblad (engsyre), anisisop, rød hagemelde (Atriplex hortensis) osv.

Lily White in flower

My youngest seakale Crambe maritima “Lily White” which isn’t that young longer (17 years old), is in full flower a couple of weeks earlier than my other plants and its looking better than ever this year! In the winter, I dug a trench along the “ex-driveway”, now path to the house, to stop tree roots invading and drying up the shallow soiled beds in this part of the garden.

Perennial pizza

Last night’s pizza, perennials apart from Atriplex hortensis “Rubra”; including sea kale broccolis, perennial kales, Allium nutans, sorrel, Malva moschata, Anise hyssop, nettles etc.
Pizza med strandkål brokkolier, flerårige kål, nesle, Allium nutans, surblad (engsyre), anisisop, rød hagemelde (Atriplex hortensis) osv.