Category Archives: Birds

Dawn on 20th May 2018

Woken at 4:15 by a newly arrived garden warbler (hagesanger)  (or is it just a blackcap?) singing at full throttle in the garden (sorry about the focus, I was half asleep and didn’t notice!). A few minutes later the sun rose as fishermen motored out onto the still fjord.

New wave of migrants

There was a big arrival of African migrants in the night and this morning I registered my first pied flycatcher (svarthvit fluesnapper) singing in the garden, a group of 5 swallows (låvesvale) hunting insects and a willow warbler singing and flycatching!

Redwing song

A distant redwing (rødvingetrost) in full song today (high volume required)!

I remember whilst still living in Scotland hoping to hear redwing singing in June in North West Scotland on a summer cycle ride around the coast of Scotland. They are red listed in the UK because of the small breeding population, but just over the North Sea here in Norway they are everywhere. Scottish breeding seems to be declining (climate change?), less common now than when I was there!