Garden birds weekend 11th-12th February

Two month early spring foragables at 63.5N

It was one of the mildest December / January periods here since records began in the 1800s, no snow at sea level and no snow forecast, 3-4 cm of froszen soil at the surface and that’s it. Temperatures are currently like early April and early April foragables are now available!

Dandelion crowns (løvetann)
Lesser celandine (vårkål – the Norwegian name means spring greens!), edible until flowers appear
Lesser celandine (vårkål – the Norwegian name means spring greens!), edible until flowers appear
Hedge mustard (løkurt / Alliaria petiolata) with Oxalis acetosella (wood sorrel / gjøksyre)
Primula veris (cowslip / hagenøkleblom)